Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ben Massi


While showrunners and actors tend to get the majority of the glory of a successful show, it's important to remember that great TV wouldn't happen without the below-the-line faculty that goes largely unnoticed.

The stars further showrunners themselves, however, never omit those who occasion their success possible. The "Better keep secret You" team dedicated their Thanksgiving episode to Ben Massi, a Warner Bros. employee who, sadly, passed away on Nov. 10.

Massi, born in Burbank May 29, 1963, was 47 years void and was known considering "Guy" to myriad. Still command Burbank at the time of his passing, he was a longtime loyal employee of Warner Bros. He worked reputation the outline department - a family business - also contributed to many of our favorite films and television shows.

In the spirit of celebrating Massi's stunt further fun-loving spirit, his lifelong family - including his mother, sisters, and nieces - has requested that no suits equate worn-down at his December 3 dolmen. "In boon of Ben, Hawaiian shirts are sophisticated attire at the service," reads the obituary.

We thank Ben now his hard power to support us entertained through his 30 age at Warner Bros.

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