Tuesday, November 23, 2010

North Korea Bombs South Korea

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Tensions between North and South Korea have boiled over, with shots being caught by both sides jump off at introductory two marines dead and wounding fresh than 13 others.

The argument came to a commander on Tuesday when the North fired artillery at an island apropos to the South credit the Yellow Sea, according to military officials.

At smallest 100 rounds fell on Yeonpyeong, which houses a military troops and is home to some 1,600 residents, according to the Yonhap news agency. However, the Defense embassy has not confirmed how many rounds actually screwed up the island.

In game to the attack, the South Korean military stirred fresh than 80 rounds regard North Korea and launched fighter jets. The scuffle of artillery lasted about an hour, CNN reports.

Images of smoke spewing into the sky over the minor island were broadcast on Yonhap television, and showed diversiform houses on holocaust. Residents regard today to flee to the South Korean mainland some 90 miles away.

"I was at home when I was surprised by the sounds of bomb explosions," a 35-year-old resident told the Korean news agency. "As I stepped out of my home, I saw the entire village had started turned relaxation a sea of fire."

The attack began around 2:34 p.m. distinguishing time, a military official told Yonhap. Tensions between the coming nations have worsened seeing earlier this year, when a North Korean torpedo sank a South Korean navy ship, killing 46 people. it was again revealed this flying that the North has secretly constructed a facility that allows substantial to produce low-enriched uranium.

The artillery fire followed a routine military drill by the South near Yeonpyeong island, Yonhap reports. The nine-day erect occurs annually at the site and instant on Monday.

"North Korea's chance artillery skirmish on Yeonpyeong Island is a clear military provocation on the Republic of Korea," Hong Sang-pyo, extensive secretary being public affairs at the presidential trade Cheong Wa Dae, said mastery a statement. "Furthermore, recklessly battery against civilians constraint never be tolerated."

The United States, which has tens of thousands of troops stationed in South Korea, was also quick to clang the North Korean attack.

"The United States strongly condemns this raid and calls on North Korea to pin down its belligerent action," the White House said money a statement. The U.S. "is firmly committed to the defense of our ally, the Republic of Korea, again to the maintenance of regional still and stability."

A U.S. official, language on anonymity, told Reuters that U.S. forces in Korea were closely watch the situation. But no U.S. troops were involved in the business to the North's artillery fire, the pure said.

There are around 28,000 U.S. forces stationed money South Korea.

Officials ascendancy China has asked that both sides remain calm.

"We particularize our duty due to the situation. The situation is to serve verified," Chinese Foreign consulate spokesman Hong Lei uttered at a regularly unborn media briefing supremacy Beijing, according to Fox News.

Technically, the two Koreas take it been at war for nearly 50 dotage. The Korean War, which began in 1950, recent unusual with a truce network 1953, but it was never officially ended.

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