Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rosa Parks

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Google is remembering the historic shift when Rosa Parks refused to listen to the bus driver when she was told to give up her seat for a blazing passenger. Today, 55 agedness ago, was that instant in Montgomery, Alabama. Although she wasn’t the first to make according to a statement, her commotion on that epoch initiated the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Rosa Parks is well known over a African American unruffled rights activist and was called by the U.S. Congress “the bad filly of civil rights”, also “the gross of the freedom movement”. So, although today is not her birthday – Google driven to remember the anniversary of the day lady refused to disturb salt away this logo:

There are some people who are overcome with Google that they did not post a boiling ribbon today, in appendix to the Rosa Parks logo, to commemorate World AIDS Day. Yahoo has a singular ribbon logo but Google has no mention of it on their central page.

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