Monday, January 31, 2011

Groundhog Day 2011

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STROUDSBURG, Pa. — Sammi III, the prognosticating groundhog in Stroudsburg’s West End section, made last year’s Groundhog juncture prediction from her deathbed. This year, a different groundhog bequeath make a sign from beyond the grave.

Members of Groundhog Lodge No. 6 have been unable to find a replacement for Sammi III, who died on Groundhog Day reputation 2010 after forging unaccompanied progress forecast in Monroe suzerainty. The organizers of the note tide will rely Wednesday on a stuffed Sammi I, or “Pudgie,” who died grease the aftermath of a 1996 parade.“We have to try something, for the boisterous of substantive and the amusement,” said Groundhog Lodge No. 6 weatherman Harold Kreger.

Apparently, finding further taming a groundhog due to a successor is no inconsiderable tax. Lodge members have been arduous to find a new one since Sammi III died of old age make headway stage. A groundhog isn’t an plug that’s raised on a farm, so to find isolated you aspiration to locate a nest, he said. “When someone knows of a groundhog that has young in a hole somewhere, you conceive to get a back hoe also step out them out. The person wherefore hand-raises them again feeds them,” Kreger said.

Sammi III lived for 10 years. Sammi I died of heat touch next a summer parade clout July 1996. The groundhog seemed fine juncture wandering in a float inside its cage but was effect dead upon returning to the lodge.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission ordered the moor to curtains the second Sammi because his handlers didn’t have a consent since him.

On the mismated feature of Pennsylvania, the Inner Circle of the Punxsutawney Groundhog clot annually announces Punxsutawney Phil's forecast at dawn Feb. 2 on Gobbler's grip. The Groundhog Club says seeing 1887 Phil has predicted more winter weather by seeing his shadow nearly 100 times, but there are no records for nine years.

March 20 is the first day of spring.

When he's not predicting the weather, Phil lives prominence a climate-controlled household power the town's library and is inspected oftentimes by the state. He has his concede Facebook page and is on Twitter and Foursquare.

German tradition holds that if a hibernating gross casts a shadow on Feb. 2, the Christian gala of Candlemas, winter would last deeper six weeks. If no mask is seen, legend notes that spring would materialize pristine.

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