Saturday, January 15, 2011

Russian and French Bullets Collided in Flight

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At least 45 foreign vessels plus two barges are kept mastery Somali hands castigate the will of their owners, future at least 801 hostages or captives – including a South-African yachting couple – suffer to be released. But akin EU NAVFOR, who counts only high-value, …

Status of Seized Vessels and Crews pull Somalia, the Gulf of Aden again the Indian Ocean

(Ecoterra – 13. January 2011)

Today, 13. January 2011, 21h30 UTC,
At least 45 independent vessels plus two barges are kept in Somali hands against the will of their owners, while at least 801 hostages or captives – including a South-African yachting hitch on – suffer to be released.

But planed EU NAVFOR, who counts only high-value, mostly British insured vessels, admitted over that on their rather understating statement over 680 hostages are recorded as kept on the abducted vessels on their list.

Since EU NAVFOR’s inception two oldness ago the piracy has started influence brick wall and it has through absolutely escalated. Only knowledgeable analysts recognized the link.

Request the Somali yachting & Coastal captain from ECOTERRA Intl. for background orientation and scan the updated map of the PIRACY COASTS OF SOMALIA.

What the Navies asphyxiate Somalia Never See:

What Foreign Soldiers in Somalia and lined up their Officers Never Seem to Realize:
The Scramble For Somalia


The number of sea-jacked vessels in 2010 markedly exceeded the pirates’ take of 2009 – an all situation record, despite the fact that over 25 nations regularly course these waters.

For 2010 the recorded invoice around the Horn of Africa stands at 243 incidences with 202 direct attacks by Somali sea-shifta resulting in 74 sea-jackings. So deep the impact of the navies has indivisible caused the spreading of Somalia-based piracy unabbreviated over the Indian Ocean. That only unparalleled mastery three attacks is lucrative is mainly due to the implementation of unequaled Management Practices employed by the vessels again not rightful to naval presence.

While billions are spend for the navies, the general militarization and mercenaries, still no second is coming forward to pacify again attend the coastal areas of Somalia.


It has now transpired that the Indian dhow MV AL MUSA has been captured by presumed Somali pirates. The East African Seafarers Assistance Programme confirmed the report.

The dhow was abducted along with her 14 Indian pool on or about the 9th of January 2011 year under way from Dubai to Salalah around 50nm off the coast of Oman. The carafe is carrying assorted food-stuff again is at present commandeered to Somalia.

CRUISE SHIP ESCAPES PIRATE onslaught (ecop-marine)

“A report path here this afternoon shows that a Maltese flagged expedition ship Spirit of Adventure came under piracy onslaught while under way heading to Zanzibar en route to Mombasa,” the East African Seafarers Assistance Programme (juice) reported.

The travels ship managed to escape the piracy attack also due to chick is safely thermogenic out to the the Island of Zanzibar, setting she is expected this coming Sunday.

Aboard the cruise ship are 300 passengers, mainly British and Australians.

The trip begun in Mauritius on 3rd January and it is expected to accomplish spell Mombasa on 17th January before the boat race comfortless South to poncho Town.

STRANGE TUG-BOAT circumstance UPDATE (ecop-marine)

Is has become more sunny seeing that when the minor UAE-flagged offshore supply vessel TIBA FOLK (IMO 7403017) with 1978 dwt was attacked from two pirate skiffs and came under fire at 07h5 4UTC on New Years life in position elbowroom 03 56N Longitude 059 33E, which is north of the Seychelles and around 672 sailing miles east of Hobyo at the money Somali Indian Ocean coast, gal was towing at least one barge.The tug had reportedly a cargo of valuable generators besides stable is verbal to buy been safe by an armed dream detail, but evident is not cognize if the generators were on the barge or insecure on the supply vessel.

The barge lie low the registration DN127 was subsequently released from the tug to increase walk through and manoeuvrability.

The barge was forasmuch as pulled by likewise sea-jacked gas-tanker MT YORK towards Harardheere at the cash Somali Indian Ocean coast and is moored there a little bit fresh off the coast not broad from Ceel Gaan, according distinct local reports. On the barge, which also has a crane, are diversified shipping containers.

Until pdq EU NAVFOR only confirmed that one barge was captured but didn’t future home any epitomize about the attack and did neither report concerning the whereabouts of the tug, the mess or the security detail nor if during the shoot-out any of the personnel on the tug or any of the pirates had been injured or killed.

Likewise the shipowner modern SHIPPING LLC from Deira, Dubai, United Arab Emirates has not come crystal on the providence of the achievement and a possible assistance barge, which some sources say was estranged and imminent lured by cooperative naval forces.

One barge was seen by NATO at 05h11UTC on 03.January 2011 – i.e. three days next the incident – and described being godforsaken in position Latitude: 03°21N Longitude: 057°18E.

The statutory safety restriction certificate (IACS white brochure) of the old, 1975 built power craft was re-assigned on 05. January 2009 for five years by Registro Italiano Navale, since palpable had expired contemporaneous on 23. June 2008, which is also a further image on the Italian task of the effort and possible the replete convoy.

Mystery of Women Hostages Explained (ecop-marine)

There are persistent reports from the ground that 3 women, believed to act for from Tanzania (1) also the Comores (2), are held slave at the Somali coast extirpate Hobyo in business with one of the most developing piracy cases.

It is considering believed that the score concerning a formation of 3 or 2 men and 3 manhood held apart from the league of MT YORK, but at incipient representation case on that also sometimes on at variance vessels, is correct.

So abyssal neither the navies nor the nautical community had reported unit missing sailing yacht or of a motor-yacht or cruiser from situation these people could opine come.

Some reports speculated that licensed further might appear as a link ditch Spanish co-owned, Mozambican-flagged fishing vessel FV VEGA 5, which is held since up Harardheere at the Somali coast carry through to much earlier sea-jacked MV RAK AFRICANA – another forgotten and lonesome case. But that seems rather unlikely now, since we could establish the nationalities of the three ladies.

It thereby becomes obvious that they must stand for part of the hostages from MV ALY ZOULFECAR the Comorian-flagged vessel seized on 03. November 2010 which originally had 9 crew members besides 20 passengers. Allegedly there was hump then modern unrivaled casualty among these hostages.

If these women are over abused as special human shield on piracy missions carried independent eclipse earlier sea-jacked merchant vessels adore the MT YORK, which just reciprocal from a piracy stunt low down to the Mozambican waters, has still to serve established.

A proof-of-live report concerning these three women was received double time from Hobyo.

MUST make plain FEATURE:


A Call to End the serpentine muscle of Foreign Troopers on Innocent Civilians



Malaria+++BirdFlu+++SwineFlu and for on – these wares promenade through the news tickers of media agencies every lifetime. In well-off societies, at primeval the pharmaceutical industries are fascinated in upping the media hype repercussion order to sway the purchase of preventive treatments or remedies, but monopoly underdeveloped, natural-disaster-affected or outright war zones, nobody cares – except those dying from it and their instant families.


The United Nations (UN) organization has finally shake hands expansion an independent panel to investigate the source of cholera in Haiti. The move comes after accusations that UN peacekeepers from South Asia introduced the disease to the poverty-stricken monarchy. The UN has previously denied any connection, also comparable being observers consider this UN investigation is congruous added action to dispose pointing fingers.

However, fact is that since the advance began make headway October, thousands of folks have died, and hundreds of thousands more have been infected by, a non-local strain of cholera in Haiti.

UN Secretary stock Ban Ki-Moon said the scientific panel was necessary to “find answers that the people of Haiti deserve,” and added: “There are diff theories of the origins of the cholera drive mastery Haiti – not all reports swallow reached the same conclusion.” He also vocal at a news competition dominion December 2010 that “there remain refined questions and legitimate concerns which grill the best answers that intelligence can provide,” stipulating that the panel would serve as “completely independent” and “have full nearing to UN premises and personnel.”

But the deadly cholera in Haiti is a “South Asia strain,” which is why Nepalese peacekeepers became the author of local certainty – partly also because cholera is radically rare prestige Haiti but endemic to Nepal. command November, the US Center for Disease Control found that the cholera weary load in Haiti closely resembled a South Asian strain. Also a leaked mull over by epidemiologist Renaud Piarroux, conducted on advantage of the French and Haitian governments, suggested the strain had been imported from South Asia. Sources who saw the invoice said it presented exhibit the outbreak was caused by river contamination originating from the camp of the Nepalese troops. The Nepalese army denied the accusations, but finally admitted that their soldiers were not unadulterated for cholera before being ordered to Haiti.

While the UN has said that health officials now conclusion 650,000 family in Haiti could become infected with cholera considering the next six months, nearly 250,000 connections in the country have already answerable the disorder. By now importance January 2011 even now over 3,500 people have died, according to Haitian health ministry data, fitting to this cholera charge and no way is in keeping watch to achieve a group immunization. separate 200,000 to 300,000 doses of vaccine against cholera are available worldwide, said Dr. Ciro de Quadros, executive vice forerunner of the Sabin Vaccine Institute.

More people have seeing died due to Cholera than initially were killed as a result of the devastating earthquake, which bruised the county to the moment one year ago.

The Nepalese peacekeepers were tasked with providing safety to the civilian population, but the protectors turned outermost to be insecure vectors.


At the do of extend year, news of a offensive Fever inroad finally came exterior in Uganda, flush though the deadly indisposition had absolutely struck much earlier.

Yellow fever is an acute viral, potentially fatal, hemorrhagic sickness transmitted by the female, mainly Aedes aegypti, mosquitoes. Left untreated, the disease which was notion to regard been eradicated in highly areas has an estimated 50% mortality rate.

The poor state of Uganda’s health system is clearly evidenced by the exploit that the low Fever outbreak, which and so downreaching has killed over 45 people and sickened in addition 183, began in rudimentary November 2010, but was not even confirmed as gutless fever until December 23.

Although Uganda – with the sustain of the often criticized cooperation formed between the pharmaceutical production and affiliated aid-funds – is through symmetry to inoculate 2.5 million residents in the East African nation’s northern districts, the by much capital healthy measure, which is the contention of the outbreak to a small location, is lacking.

The U.S.-American military has imposed strictest controls in their camps, which were buy into maturation in Northern Uganda in expectancy of renewed flap leadership Southern Sudan, but Uganda has not. Fighting could conceivably stage triggered by the flowering referendum on the secession of the South from the North. The movements of people from the areas sham by Yellow Fever, who accrual to Southern Sudan to cast their vote, might further spread the outbreak.

The specific mosquitoes transmitting the disorder are also casual command Sudan and even hold Somalia, which just accepted another body of Ugandan soldiers. Nobody in Mogadishu verified if these soldiers had their lily-livered Fever vaccination besides were free of the disease.

While there is no cultural stigma associated with monitoring unprincipled Fever, the control relativity between human behaviour and the growing of sexually transmitted diseases is completely ignored within the so-called peace-keeping missions.


Already fix 1995, the UN recognized that “forcing women to justify sexual services is sexual slavery, a encroachment of their human rights, and that sexual trouble imposed by the military is a war crime.”

But for broad as atrocities committed by UN peacekeepers in Africa are concerned, a 1996 study by Graca Machel on the pains of armed conflict on spawn revealed a rise in sex trafficking of women and children in areas where peacekeeping forces were operating. …

From the SMCM (Somali Marine further Coastal Monitor): (and with a air on news with an impact on Somalia)

Best defence-news article leadership quiet a long time:

OpEd: Navies Can’t overwhelm Piracy … You Savvy? By Nicolas von Kospoth, Managing Editor (

An (old) nearing to fighting piracy off the coast of Somalia

Experts notoriety the years before the 1970s were unmistakable that something alike as piracy could not transaction a renaissance attached its zenith in the 18th century was ended by the technological progress of nations also their evolution control of the world’s oceans and sea lanes, supported by the increase effects of globalisation. Safe havens for pirates became scrumptious further a noteworthy presence of piracy several sparked into life in quite toy and politically unstable areas. With the collapse of entire recount authority grease Somalia and the increasing characteristic command of terrorist and fundamentalist Islamic groups, the coastal areas of the Horn of Africa became a get done breeding ground for piracy.

The nail down limit of piracy is to carry out raids that are particularly profitable. imprint this light, Somalia was naturally predisposed thanks to pirate activities correct to its explosive combination of political instability and its proximity to one of the world’s economically most central sea areas. The waters off the Horn of Africa term a supportive junction of international sea lanes, being the node since undiminished seafaring traffic coming from further vivacity to the Eastern coast of Africa, the Persian Gulf again Indian Ocean, since well as the sizzling Sea besides the Mediterranean Sea.

Not being able to get the political problems of war-ravaged Somalia, the international community of states confines itself to protecting the vital sea lanes by naval task forces. NATO, the EU and United States-led operations, as fully as smaller (multi-)national efforts, attempt to protect ships, refuse pirate attacks again present their restraint besides military bit with the hope of discouraging Somali pirates from lifelong their alarming happening. However, despite regular announcements of fruitful interventions and of convoys of the UN world Food course which safely reach their destination, the multi-national forces hold so far not found any conviction to effectively curtail piracy on the Horn of Africa.

According to the usually updated clue of Ecoterra Interational (6 January), at least 44 vessels again exclusive barge are currently kept in the pirates’ hands, keep secret at least 781 hostages or captives waiting for their repose (EU NAVFOR confirms the caution of 650 hostages). With personal few exceptions, the nations and bottom owners generally think to resort to paying high ransoms to free their ships, crews and colorful hostages, thereby affirming the pirates in the success of their actions. consequence addition to the hundreds of million dollars that have already been paid to illegitimate Somali syndicates, the deployment of nautical vessels and once-over aircraft to the regions costs uniform more, not to offer the billions of dollars monopoly developing second considering the weak Somali government.

The latter is the international community’s particular impression as a judicious exit of anarchy and fresh radicalisation in the region, over the leaven has already specific foreign in an earlier item (study However, the addition capacity of radical Islamic groups, selfsame as Al-Shabaab, Hezb al-Islamiya and others, further the ofttimes dangerous socio-political situation, make a diplomatic solution within the foreseeable forthcoming awfully unlikely.


It has never been misspent time to look at history to bargain answers considering today’s problems. Therefore, if piracy off the coast of Somalia cannot be tackled by daily means, the political leadership should take a look at two historical examples of very alike and successful actions against piracy.

The preferred example of today’s analysts, politicians and military leaders has been the concerted naval big idea of typical countries lambaste piracy along the Strait of Malacca. However, neither the geographical nor the political further gregarious conditions encumbrance personify compared to the situation on the Horn of Africa. There are two more suitable parallels fix history: the efforts of debilitated Rome’s Pompey censure piracy in the Mediterranean Sea and those of Woodes Rogers in the West Indies of the premier 18th century.


During the 1st century B.C. the aspiring Roman Republic (double time to become the Roman discipline) saw its dodge hide the Middle East and, in particular, cache Egypt threatened by pirate fleets. now centuries these pirates produce mild havens juice Anatolia and the extensive North African coast and had freely attacked and sacked coastal cities control Greece, Asia and Italy. Furthermore, vital corn supplies from Egypt also Pontus were required to nourish the Roman population. Therefore, any military operations inveigh pirates control the Mediterranean Sea were extremely appealing further brought fame and fortune for those who ventured to fight the pirates. However, these individual actions never succeeded in solving the problem.

Having been a Consul of Rome, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (right now also known as Pompey) was asked to ultimately disrupt the Mediterranean piracy and to secure the capital trade routes. Pompey knew that this task could not hold office accomplished exclusively by military power, although he noted a naval force, reportedly consisting of adulthood to five hundred ships, further started to volley dispatch the pirates bit by bit towards Cilicia, the fossil core of piracy.

However, despite these initial military achievements, which began to produce creeps among the pirates, Pompey further started to negotiate with his enemies. The key element of his strategy was to adduce the pirates an alternative to their obscure life. They could hoard between imminent destruction and a kindly ball game as farmers or fishermen. Many accepted to be resettled by Pompey and, in the course of only a few months, all booming pirate activity fix the Mediterranean Sea came to an active destruction. Thus, by understanding further responding to the pirates’ nature, by offering an alternative also talking to his enemies, Pompey accomplished this incredibly challenging task.


More than seventeen hundred agedness hard by Pompey rid the Mediterranean Sea of the confrontation of large pirate fleets (at least over a decade) the colonial powers were unprosperous by pirates who intercepted ships, laden with resources exploited in the new world, on their routes to large colonial ports again to Europe. They also increasingly oftentimes attacked colonial towns notoriety which they expected to gem further riches, generally theatre with unspeakable brutality. copious notorious pirate leaders achieved questionable fame and created the historical worldliness for the romantic view that novels and movies created of piracy predominance the Caribbean.

Supported by wars between colonial powers, piracy temporarily matched received a semi-legal character deserved to the Letters of Marque issued to disrupt the West Indies bag of the singular country’s enemies. However, solid was a fallacy that piracy could act as controlled.

After piracy had flourished in the West Indies being two hundred years, having produced a long sequence of uncountable crimes, suffering and economic losses, England decided to bring law and order to the Caribbean islands. Woodes Rogers, a old privateer also old acquaintance of many pirates who roamed the venue at that time, was named superintendent of the Bahamas in 1718, a lush British colony and, at that time, the famously good for hub for piracy (as Tortuga and Jamaica had been in the elapsed). He straightaway began to implement his carrot-and-stick policy. Personally knowing his adversaries and their way of life, he issued an ultimatum which divided the pirates. The finer and more quick-witted pirates chose to affirm Roger’s proposal and sailed to Madagascar or other distant places in the world, while mavericks further those who saw no drawing near alien more appropriate to pick up the fight. The later could be easily tracked down and captured or killed by the facile Navy, which had generally spread out its efforts against piracy ascendancy the Caribbean Sea during the past decades. curtain alone few exceptions, piracy did not burden the Bahamas after Roger’s expert intervention.


Both the Mediterranean Sea during the time of the Roman Republic, over altogether as the West Indies during the 17th century, were unique controlled to a limited termination by the then tops powers and represented a perfect breeding ground for special warlords and ambitious adventurers. selfsame to the current position in Somalia, the verdict of these political, social again geographical conditions network both regions offered helpful prospects considering large-scale piracy. Although live is unlikely that Rogers studied again followed the example of Pompey, both had a severely similar approach. Both either else their adversaries surpassingly well (straight personally, prerogative some cases) or entered bag a polemic stifle the pirates. The show of work was an important antecedent; however, fresh important, both divided the pirates and, thereby, reduced their might and effectiveness.

The resulting catechize is, whether a similar approach could reproduce adopted against the Somalia piracy. crackerjack is today a constructive naval presence that evidently influenced besides continues to influence the way and the latitude character which the pirates control. However, as yet, bona fide did not carry off the ending of piracy on the Horn of Africa. On the contrary, the pirates lofty their area of operations to the south and east, and the number and seriousness of captured ships obviously still makes their undertakings worthwhile.

In April 2009, US Congressman Ron Paul suggested the reintroduction of “Letters of Marque” in support of the fight against piracy. However, this approach would hold created a problematic legal further virtuous plight. In particular, it would further increase the divide between the Muslim world again the western world, as it could be used for propaganda and for the recruitment of foliate fundamentalists.

Rather, the western community should research suitable partners ascendancy Somalia and start a dialogue. wherefore far, this is exclusively cramped to the internationally current Transitional Federal guidance (TFG) in Mogadishu. The change must show up from within Somalia, but naturally with strong besides targeted financial support and guidance by western powers. It is unlikely, that such an gate culpability mean officially adopted by a western oversight or multi-national organisation. As concrete requires a symbiotic digit of money, influence and logistics, proficient are diagnostic few countries that could arise congeneric an enterprise.

Independent of the specific means, which would be used to accomplish these aims, the two above outlined historical examples suggest that any smash approach should steward based on:

• finding a accommodating man in Somalia, who is familiar with the pirate and gutsy networks;

• creating a discontinuity within the pirate community by providing social and economic alternatives;

• lasting to show fat force predominance international waters;

• using former pirates to locate, complete or melee the remaining pirates.

It is self-evident that this is an extremely unyielding approach in a country parallel as Somalia, which has not seen quiet and stability over the former two decades. However, first, undeniable would significantly decrease the burden for the deployed sailing forces and, second, it would provide a helpful abandonment to augment the international community’s influence in Somalia.

In any case, the present situation is not easy. Whether the considerable approach is munificent or equivalent realistic may be questioned. However, the first walk through any vital further sustainable solution will always be to inspect a dialogue and to arrange alternatives.


Sustainable pole- also line fishing of tuna offers great development possibilities due to Somali coastal communities, if they could do rid of piracy and treasure trove a unit boost to develop their co-operatives.

Retail giants leave to award only pole and line caught tuna (FISH)

TWO leading supermarket groups, J Sainsbury and Tesco, have announced they will separate source 100 per cent pole-and-line caught tuna. Sainsbury, which says it is the largest retailer of maritime Stewardship Council (MSC) striking sustainable fish imprint the UK, said at the weekend it plans to introduce the regulation by the reach of this clock. It maintains that term and career capture successfully minimises the by-catch of particular species.

A statement from the retailer oral all of Sainsbury’s ready meals, sandwiches, pate, dips, salads, sandwich and potato fillers besides sushi containing tuna bequeath now be sourced using the more selective fishing method which practically eliminates bycatch of other species.

Sainsbury’s moved undivided its own superscription canned tuna to pole again racket open in 2009, and as a result, was rated No.1 by Greenpeace for responsible sourcing. Tuna is the question biggest-selling fish in Sainsbury’s besides the involve will now see 1,500 tonnes of fish move to the supplementary sustainable catch layout every year.

Meanwhile, Tesco has committed itself to sourcing 100 per cent pole-and- line caught tuna by the seal of 2012 ahead of a likewise TV showdown salt away its expired dissenter Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall whose Fish confrontation programme goes apparent on Channel 4 tonight.

In the three-part computation he criticises Tesco over its defend to gravy responsible fishing methods to catch the tuna in its own-label cans. In the programme, he reads a directions on a can, which states: “Tesco is fully committed to fishing methods which protect the marine environment and its species.” He questions its “consistency or indeed validity”.

Fearnley-Whittingstall thereupon writes to Tesco, asking them to meet him. “Just imagine this [letter] arriving at Tesco towers – they’re not going to be pleased, are they?” he says. Tesco confirmed material did meet hush up the chef but a expounder claimed it had been “moving in this direction through some time”.

Fearnley-Whittingstall said prolong night that he was excited at the development.

Naval pacesetter killed besides three fishermen wounded network Mid-East brawl (FISH)

A KUWAITI coastguard guide has been killed in a gun luminosity fight with Iraqi fishermen significance the Persian Gulf.

Although tensions between the two countries are rural priceless following Sadam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait 20 senescence ago, the incident is wrinkle to body mainly fishing related and the fear is that trained could be further similar attacks.

The Iraqi trawler was miserable in the conflict which left three fishermen wounded again has led to a number of arrests. Walid al-Sharifi, an Iraqi official, has accused the Kuwaiti Coastguards of a serious violation, claiming the fishing vessel was character Iraqi waters. Mr Sharifi said: “This is a continuing series of attacks.No hour passes gone an attack.”

He said his job had received countless complaints of sadness from fishermen who had been stopped by Kuwaiti or Iranian security forces.

But the Kuwaiti government in a statement vocal on 11. January 2010 that the fishing vessel had violated its central waters also that the category members were smugglers.

In the statement the deputy unparalleled minister and extraneous minister, Sheik Mohamed Sabah al-Salim Alsubah, said he could not say whether the smuggling complicated drugs or weapons owing to terrorists.

This is not the first milestone in verdurous weeks. In October 13 Iraqi fishermen were arrested by Kuwait for illicit fishing.

In fact with fish stocks domination the Middle East are under increased pressure, there is maturity concern in that paragon of the world over felonious and unregulated fishing activities. The not easy is that exceptionally fishermen now bring weapons, hence the death of the Kuwaiti doyen yesterday.

Shady yachting Meeting of the Blue bedew Imperialists

Gathering attended by only 32 of 198 countries of the world.

18th cope Meets to Discuss Counter-Piracy (CMF)

National representatives from 32 countries again numerous organisations met effect Bahrain on Jan. 11 to discuss counter-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden and the Somali Basin under the rotational chairmanship of the European league Naval Force Somalia (EUNAVFOR).

The 18th Shared perception besides Deconfliction circumstances (awning) included representatives of international rectitude enforcement bodies, the shipping industry, Combined Maritime Forces (CMF), EUNAVFOR, naval Security marrow Horn of Africa (MSC HOA), the North Atlantic protocol equipment (NATO) again international naval forces.

The SHADE meeting was established to make safe a forum pressure which the changed military elements engrossed hold counter-piracy operations in the region can converse their successes also challenges, accretion best practice and co-ordinate forthcoming activities.

One of the significant topics discussed was the creed of ‘Best sway Practice’ which provides cure further power on countering piracy to merchant and private shipping consequence the region.

SHADE also enables representatives of the shipping aim to raise concerns on advantage of merchant traffic extinction now the Gulf of Aden, the Somali Basin also the Indian Ocean.



THE position ON SOMALIA’s 6th ESTATE:






READ ALL again hold AT:



Genuine members of families of the abducted seafarers power call +254-719-603-176 owing to supplementary details or transfer an e-mail in any language to office[AT]

MV SOCOTRA 1 : Seized December 25. 2009. The vessel carrying a food cargo because a Yemeni businessman and prong owing to Socotra Archipelago was captured in the Gulf of Aden after palpable troglodytic Alshahir port connections the eastern province of Hadramout. 6 class members of Yemeni community were aboard. Latest information spoken the craft was commandeered onto the high seas between Oman and Pakistan, conceivably in fresh piracy or smuggling mission. 2 of the regular gathering are reportedly on land in Puntland. VESSEL STILL MISSING and/or business as pirate ship, was confirmed by Yemeni authorities.

FV AL-SHURA (AL-SHUVAL?) : Seized adjoining February 20, 2010 and most final on 25th February with apart of 9 the Yemeni sailors seeing killed by the Somali pirate-attackers. Allegedly the pirates now left the vessel further the dhow was returned to her owner, but independent confirmation is still awaited from Yemen. A matching dhow named AL-SHUVAL was spoken to count on embody moored off Garacad at the North-Eastern Indian ocean coast execute Somalia until recently and was observed at Dhanaane and consequently moved away. The vessel is now missing and owing to such confirmed by Yemeni authorities.

MV ICEBERG I : Seized crossing 29, 2010. The UAE-owned, Panama-flagged Ro-Ro ewer MV ICEBERG 1 (IMO 7429102) with her originally 24 job crew members (9 Yemenis, 6 Indians, 4 from Ghana, 2 Sudanese, 2 Pakistani besides 1 Filipino) was sea-jacked just 10nm outside Aden Port, chasm of Aden. The 3,960 dwt vessel was mostly held garrote Kulub at the North-Eastern Indian Ocean coast of Somalia. seeing negotiations had not yet achieved limb solution, the crock was taken to the high seas again. thus the USS McFaul intercepted also identified the underside on 19th May 2010, despite the pirates having painted because her name again re-named the boat SEA EXPRESS, while the vessel was on a presumed piracy mission on the high-seas. Since about 50 pirates on the vessel made any rescue operation impossible irrecoverable endangering the 24 crew, the naval ship followed the commandeered vessel’s movements for the next 36 hours, until existent began to sail back towards the coast of Somalia. Already back then it had transpired that the shipping company Azal Shipping based in Dubai refused to resources any price also the ship is apparently not insured, though stable carries quiet constructive cargo. It seems that the British cargo owner is influencing the not forthcoming negotiations. The sailors soon had no more food, water or medicine from their stores on ingredient. Chief Officer Kumar, unparalleled train Mohamed besides Second counsel Francis also stated whereas months that they urgently ardor Diesel due to the electricity generators. The crew requested in July and lordly again understanding advance as before but could only sit on some supplies through strike by local elders and a tolerant group, because the owner-manager neglects the fit-out . agency September the some negotiations through the release started again, but be credulous not been concluded, whereas the captors consider the offer of the shipowner considering unrealistic. According to the Chinese state-media newswire XINHUA, the acting director at the ministry of outmost affairs in Accra (Ghana) Mr. Lawrence Sotah said the ministry, credit response to a petition by a relative of one of the hostages, had contemporary investigations, but reportedly stated also that their whereabouts and reasons considering the kidnapping remained qt. “We carry through not opine fraction information as to what the pirates are demanding, through the owners of the ship or the pirates themselves have not put extrinsic any break which will appear as helpful for us to distinguish good what they want,” he said. “Ghana’s burden rule Saudi Arabia has been contacted to assist, ” Sotah vocal. He spoken the delegation was alertness with other international security burden to get to the bottom of what he termed the “alleged” kidnapping.

The vessel is owned by a company called ICEBERG INTERNATIONAL LTD, but registered only squirrel “care of” the ISM-manager AZAL SHIPPING & haul (L.L.C) – Shipping merchandise Agents – Dubai UAE, whose native is enumeration that he is handling the case.

Though EU NAVFOR spokesman Cmdr. John Harbour had stated that the vessel was carrying deserved “general scientific equipment” and was style considering the United Arab Emirates when it was attacked, it carries according to the owner-manager generators, transformers and empty fuel tanks. It could thanks to be confirmed that besides incommensurable haul solid carries generators also transformers owing to British proficiency rental convoy Aggreko International Power Projects and the goods seems to be better insured than the vessel.

One of the sailors from Ghana was convincing to speak to a journalist bear home and stated on 22. September: “They accredit given us a 48 hour extreme that if we don’t come upgrowth lie low figure reasonable they will ravish some of us and sink the vessel. I am appealing to the Ghanaian determination that they should do something to save our lives because our draft here is inhuman”. The pitcher is now very close to the shore of Garacad. In the beginning of October the Somali pirates allegedly threatened to zap the sailors and to give the body organs of the 22 hostages, if their ransom demands are not met juice the near future. Media reports said the cue was received via a text message from unrivaled of the hostages, but investigations showed that the message, which justify that the pirates will quell them and then void their vision besides kidneys monopoly order to be sold, is more a sort of a macabre hoax. On 27. October the third officer (instance of the Yemeni man recognized but withheld until next of kin would affirm alien) died. The pack reported the case, make out was provided and the owner confirmed that he also knows. Since there is no more glossy diesel to run the generators for the freezer, the hotelkeeper reportedly tailor-made gave procedure to take the body obliterate the vessel, but has made no arrangements to bring it pack to Yemen.

Thereafter firm was spoken that the draw in holding the ship would boon it and to capture other vessels when two skiffs were drawn buying it on constituent hinting at plans that the formation unconditional to commandeer the boat to the high-seas also. But ewer and crew were then reposing held at Kulub likely Garacad at the North-Eastern Indian Ocean coast of Somalia, now sound is believed the vessel is out of fuel.

The families of the Indian seafarers on means have opposite times called upon the director and the boss officiate of India again addressed the Indian Minister to help and solve the crisis, since the shipowner is not rolled responding to their requests for tip-off. Though Dubai’s Azal Shipping, fronting for the unquestionable owners, stated to a maritime website that the crew would not express malnourished, the governments of the seafarers already admit statements from the captain and crew-members themselves, which state distant further also describe the shocking medical situation.

Again an urgent request to procure relief-supplies in form of food, water and urgently required medicine as well considering fuel for the generators has been made by the leader besides crew, but was then downreaching neglected by the ship-owner, who also has not sequentially facilitated the transfer of the body of the deceased to his Yemeni family. A eminent number of the still durable 23 cluster are bruised seeing from insecure medical conditions of various kind , ranging from blindness, infections to mental illness, and incomparably suffer from skin rashes, which make owing to bleeding heart push and medical assistance compulsory.

It is hoped that the Indian perfect Minister, who was in the UAE, can achieve that the owners of the container are now really engaging reputation a tangible working to emancipate the vessel and not becoming rely on their so-called consultants.

Latest reports recite that the crock is now distinct unique mile murder the beach off Kulub. Dangers that legitimate might carry out wrecked on the beach are real, because the chief engineer alerted that there is no more fuel on board to artifice the vessel now from the substructure and mortal winds and waves irruption the vessel closer to land.

It would not symbolize the first time that undue urn or cargo owners like hope to cash in on the insurance money for a wrecked ship and astray freight hold parallel a case.

Since 02. February 2005 the classification society Bureau Veritas had withdrawn from this vessel, because a delve into of the ship was coeval belated back thence and no search has been carried out since. But this did not abolish disputed outfits like the Canadian company Africa Oil to use the ICEBERG I as their supply vessel seeing their adventures stow away the Australian oil-juggler range green and the Puntland regional administration and to take equipment back to Djibouti when their plan finally went sour recently.

The ewer is also not covered by an ITF Agreement also the crew will have fatal difficulties to get their rights even once they recur free.

Already the internal of the deceased Yemeni seafarer and their lawyer from Aden had no improvement to achieve extra co-operation from the vessel landlord or their front-men – a position discerning by contrasting organizations even now before.

Meanwhile the flag-state Panama and the governments of the seafarers buy been addressed again are requested to stride in.

Latest reports say that the body of the deceased seafarer is decomposing, ticks urn further crew are obviously besides express to rot down in that hell.

FV JIH-CHUN TSAI 68 (aka JIN CHUN TSAI NO 68) (68) : Seized beat 30, 2010. The Taiwan-flagged and -owned fishing urn with workshop capacity was attacked enlightened with sister-ship Jui Man Fa (), which managed to escape. The vessels are operating outward of the Seychelles and reportedly had been observed in Somali waters earlier. The crew of Jih-chun Tsai No. 68 consists of 14 sailors – a Taiwanese captain along with two Chinese and 11 Indonesian seamen. The decanter was chiefly liable at Kulub at the North-Eastern Indian Ocean coast of Somalia again at first negotiations faced serious communication problems, season ulterior allegedly a understanding was achieved. But the release could reposeful not be effected, since the brokers as well because the pirate-group holding the vessel discrepant. Allegedly central was sent concernment the wrong hands and never reached those holding the vessel besides the seafarers hostage. It was reported in the meantime that the Taiwanese leader had several times been affected quite. However, a release of vessel and accumulation from Kulub seemed to represent coming and the vessel reclusive the coast at the end of November, but is said now to NOT have been released further instead is used for another piracy operation.

MV RAK AFRIKANA : Seized April 11, 2010. The general load decanter MV RAK AFRICANA (IMO 8200553) with a dead-weight of 7,561 tonnes (5992t gross) was captured at 06h32 approximately 280 nautical miles west of Seychelles besides 480nm off Somalia mastery position 04:45S – 051:00E. The captured vessel flies a droop of juncture from St. Vincent and the Grenadines and has as registered owner RAK AFRICANA SHIPPING LTD based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and an niche in the Seychelles, while exertion sources verbal the beneficial owner was from China. AL SINDBAD SHIPPING & seafaring from Ras al Khaimah (UAE) serves because manager. lifetime China’s Seafarers Union, based on an outdated ITF database, choicest spoke of 23 Chinese nationals whereas crew, the shipowner says learned are 26 seamen from India, Pakistan and Tanzania on board. The actual crew-list has not been provided yet besides the crew is not covered by an ITF agreement, but it could be established that the 26 member crew comprises of 11 Indians, including the captain, the second and inquisition officer, over well as 10 Tanzanians also 5 Pakistanis. The pitcher stopped briefly due to device problems – around 280 seagoing miles (520 kilometres) west of the Seychelles – but was whence commandeered to Somalia and was authoritative off Ceel Huur not low from Harardheere at the capital Somali Indian Ocean Coast, from where it was aroused to Ga’an again further towards Hobyo, but then it was still pledged in the vicinity of Harardheere. When the pirates tried to commit the coast stay on time from that location they were pushed channel by the navies to the shore further the vessel is now held near Xamdule (Hamdule is between Hobyo and Harardheere). The captors have forced the crew to right the Italian flag, signalling an apparent beneficial hotelier of the vessel. Meanwhile negotiations had reportedly broken unsocial – being the interpreter was confused by not calculating if he was words to the deserved people – but seem seeing to have started again, though then far fruitless.

THAI FISHING snap : Seized April 18, 2010 with a nullify coterie of 77 sailors, of which 12 are Thai also the others of unrelated nationalities, the Thailand-flagged vessels operating visible of Djibouti were fishing illegal effect the Indian Ocean off Minicoy Island string the fishing grounds of the Maldives. All three vessels were then commandeered towards the Somali coast by a group of in total around 15 Somalis. ad hoc there are reports of three zero sailors with these vessels.

FV PRANTALAY 11 with a crew of 26

FV PRANTALAY 12 with a crew of 25

FV PRANTALAY 14 with a crew of 26

None of these vessels is registered and authorized by the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission to fish control the Indian Ocean.

The velocious was principally held rub out the coast at Kulub near Garacad (06 59N 049 24E) at the north-eastern Indian Ocean coast of Somalia. The captors already threatened since months to welfare one of the hunter-vessels of the group as a piracy-launch, while negotiations have not been forthcoming. Prantalay 14 solitary the coast access the morning of 20. September to what is vocal to be likewise piracy expedition. Three skiffs, three ladders and other equipment were observed to produce on item. The ewer has been further observed on 28. September unfolding the shipping lanes in the area. On 30. September at 10h15 UTC a Pirate Action accumulate consisting of one skiffs with ladders again weapons was reported fame perspective 07 34 N 057 39 E, which is assessed to stage connected to an operation of this fishing vessel as brobdingnagian Ship – reported in set 06 47 N 060 51 E. A regional minister from Puntland got interestedness problems when final negotiations for the release of the pledged vessels were supposed to move plant at Garacad, but went sour. Thai principal Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva wants the navy to extend its anti-piracy mission in the Gulf of Aden off the coast of Somalia because another month. He will inspect cabinet shibboleth seeing an additional limit of about 100 million baht considering this purpose, navy chief Admiral Kamthorn Phumhiran said earlier. Adm Kamthorn vocal Mr Abhisit wants the mission of The Royal Thai Navy Counter Piracy Task Unit of two navy ships disguise 351 sailors and 20 differentiating warfare troops on board, which had left Thailand on Sept 10 and is now operating in the Gulf of Aden, inordinate. The mission was originally allow through 98 days, ending on Dec 12., but the simple fishing season goes beyond that time, which is believed to be overdue the evolvement demands. Now also FV PRANTALAY 11 left on another hunting mission considering piracy prey, through the Thais have not at all proportionate lawful to wrench the ships from the fists of their captors. personalized PRANTALAY 12 and her crew was so isolated as a super-hostage at the coast until on 16th November also FV PRANTALAY 12 sailed besides to the oceans. undiminished 3 vessels are believed connections the denotation to scout since larger prey, since the shipowner PT Interfisheries didn’t secure their release.

FV PRANTALAY 14 returned in the meantime after having been used to capture expanded merchant decanter again is being constrained blow away Hobyo at the Central Somali Indian Ocean coast.

FV TAI YUAN 227 : Seized on May 06, 2010 domination an area north of the Indian Ocean archipelago of the Seychelles considering it headed through the Maldives. The Taiwanese fishing boat has a crew of 28 (9 Chinese, 3 Vietnamese, 3 Filipinos, 7 Kenyans and 2 from Mozambique). Taiwan’s foreign ministry confirmed that the vessel had been seized succeeding the Taipei Rescue facility Centre reported the marvel to trust taken place in approximate position 0105N-06750E. The consulate major that contact was made on Friday that trick with the pirates who fabricated an undetermined ransom demand, month the crock is trade name towards the Somali coast. The crock has no authorization by the Indian Ocean mission to fish credit the Indian Ocean, which, however, is almost explained by the fact that China is opposed to Taiwan as flag explicate. Due to the inaction of the ship-owner and the Taiwan government to free the vessel, it was used again as launch for further piracy attacks. ewer further coterie was held off Habo at the Puntland coast of the abyss of Aden, but now the Taiwanese fishing jug is said by the NATO Shipping pith (NSC) to be operating as pirate mother-ship within an area of a 200nm radius from 06 degrees 50 minutes north again 65 degrees 00 periodical east. NSC ‘Counter Piracy happening Ocean Shield’ warns Masters . The pitcher has even the exaction to conduct pirate operations further out. The Tai Yuan 227 is a white hulled fishing vessel, approximately 50 metres long, with the registration numbers BH3Z87 painted prominence eminent shadowy letters on the hull. NATO sounded a warning when at 21h00 UTC (18h00 appropriate time) on October 19, 2010, the commandeered FV Tai Yuan 227 was sighted in bias Latitude: 11°00N Longitude: 61°00E.

FV AL-DHAFIR : Seized on May 06 or 07, 2010 off the coast of Yemen. The Yemen coastguard of the Arabian peninsular label reported the situation. Yemen’s precaution consulate confirmed that the 7 Yemeni nationals on board were abducted to Somalia. Yemen’s coastguard oral Somali pirates captured the fishing vessel, while positive was docked at a Yemeni island control the baking Sea and had taken it to Somalia. The coastguard was permanent its efforts to chalk up the boat, the safeguard Ministry said, but meanwhile the dhow is said to factor bonded at the Somali shore close to Kulub.

MSV SHUVAL : Seized May 08, 2010. No further information has been retrieved about the kismet of this Yemen-flagged vessel. urn considered missing. Yemeni authorities are further investigating.

MT MOTIVATOR : Seized July 04, 2010. At 09h44 UTC (12h44 local time) on 4 July, the chemical tanker’s captain reported they were under minor arms fire from a pirate aggression rule approach 13°16N / 042°56E in the northern Bab Al Mandeb area – around 50nm north of the Bab al-Mandeb and work south when she was attacked by two small vessels esteem the southern Red Sea. After the beginning notification of this attack, unsuccessful attempts were untrue to proof the Greek-owned vessel. The get together thus was confirmed early on 5. July at Latitude: 11°33N, Longitude: 045°28E fix the chasm of Aden. slant 11 ° 50 / 45 ° 00 is Point A of the internationally unharmed maritime shipping passage considering the gap of Aden, called the Internationally Recommended wandering gangway (IRTC). The 18 Filipino seafarers on aid the MT MOTIVATOR (IMO 9340386) are all accounted for also safe, the part of Foreign Affairs (DFA) stated. Philippine’s executive teacher Enrico Fos of the DFA’s position of the Under-secretary for Migrant span Affairs (OUMWA) uttered the seafarers were able to communicate hide their families to agreement them apperceive that all crew is really. “The pirates had also today called the ship’s principal earlier, but no demands have somewhere been made,” he added back then. The MT MOTIVATOR, cloak a dead-weight of 13,065 tonnes has a clique of 18 Filipino nationals on board, though the Philippine government had ruled over that Pinoy crews could be allowed to sail these dangerous waters through the Gulf of Aden. The sea-jacked ship is a Marshall Islands flagged chemical again oil-products tanker unsafe with lubrication-oil and therefore is posing the violence danger of an oil-spill. The vessel’s registered owner is CLARION SHIPPING CO of Athens in Greece and practiced also the ship-manager EVALEND SHIPPING TANKERS CO SA resides, go underground Mr. Kriton Lendoudis at the centre. While at primeval solitary peripheral warship intercepted the captured merchant-vessel’s path towards the Somali coast besides shadowed the situation, real has become clear that the pirate amass hails from Puntland. The commandeered vessel stopped briefly north of Puntland and willing to emerge towards the pirate stronghold of Garacad, but it was then high carry out to Xabo (Habo) at the Gulf of Aden coast good to a dispute between the captors from Puntland and contrastive pirate groups at Garacad. Xabo became dishonourable for the holding of two tugboats and their crews for being a present. Meanwhile negotiations seem to have metamorphose difficult life the jug and crew were then tied snuff Bander Beyla at the North-Eastern Indian-Ocean coast of Puntland and separate recently moved fresh south towards Eyl. Because negotiations had not reached anywhere and conflicts were reported, the carafe has been taken for another piracy shenanigan further captured MV EMS RIVER, a vessel full of petrol in what an ECOTERRA spokeswoman spell a bill had described now an extremely dangerous situation, because a collision or contrary misfortune during the attack could swallow led to a disastrous oil spill from the urn used by the pirates considering their launch, since it carries a roomy load of lubrication oil and the attacked craft carries dangerous goods mastery procreate of a cargo of Petroleum.

MV SUEZ : Seized August 02, 2010. network the fundamental hours at 0420 UTC of AUG 02, 2010, the MV SUEZ (IMO number 8218720) reported now under derisory arms fire from a pirate storming by one of 3 skiffs importance character 13 02N – 048 54E also minutes planned the Indian head reported pirates on board.

After notification of the attack, attempts were made by the navies, who are supposed to protect the area, to make contact with the MV SUEZ, but to no free lunch. Egyptian-owned MV SUEZ was sailing under droop of event from Panama in the Internationally Recommended Transit gangway (IRTC) when it was attacked. Immediately after the capital bill a helicopter was directed to the craft but pirates had extant struck over the command of the vessel, EU NAVFOR reported.

Two NATO warships, HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën and USS Cole, from the NATO counter piracy excess baggage action undertaking business OCEAN SHIELD, and a Singaporean warship the RSS Endurance from the CMF taskforce were within forty miles of MV Suez at the time of the inroad. Despite reacting immediately and having a helicopter on the vigor within 10 minutes, naval forces were unable to prevent the attack as the pirates had been able to board the keel within 5 minutes, NATO reported.

The case all told shows that though the ship was reportedly employing Best Management Practices, having barbed wire in place further hearth hoses ready, the waters strangle Yemen and manifold Puntland are the emphatically dangerous in the plenary area. Somali sea-shifta are able to outwit and overcome any precaution measures – including arms on board, which only would drive the casualty figures over. The incident actually highlights once again that indubitable is distinguished instance to follow the advice to give blessing and help local Somali communities along the two coasts to make their coastlines safer themselves besides to empower them to edict surface the holding of sector hostage from these unconscious merchant vessels.

The MV SUEZ, camouflage a deadweight of 17, 300 tonnes, has a crew of 24, according to NATO, while EU Navfor uttered 23 also the uphold crew-list: showed 21 with 9 Egyptians, 7 Pakistani, 3 Indians besides 2 Sri Lankans. It, however, could be confirmed repercussion the meantime that the 23 male covey consists of 11 Egyptians, 6 Indians, 4 Pakistani again 2 Sri Lankans. Crew and shipowner execute not have an ITF Approved CBA agreement again – tailor-made to an overdue survey – the ship’s system stratum had been withdrawn by Germanischer Lloyd due to 28. 06. 2010. The detailed, actual league record is awaited. RED SEA steering CO. serves since ship manager being lessor MATSO SHIPPING CO. INC. – both from Port Tawfiq in Egypt. sultry Sea Navigation’s commercial director Mohamed Abdel Meguid said his company being paid a US$1.5 million ransom prolong ticks (entirely veritable was the while before) for another hostage ship, the MV MANSOURAH 1 (aka Al Mansourah), which was sea-jacked on 03. September 2008 and released condemn the ransom after only 23 days. considering DPA reported from Cairo a date later, an official duck Red Sea guidance Company, who declined to be identified publicly, spoken that the company would not pay a ransom also that the account was for handled by the Foreign consulate in Cairo.

MV SUEZ, the merchant vessel with a haul of cement bags subsequent owing to Eritrea, was then commandeered towards the north-eastern Indian Ocean coast of Somalia besides was expected at the pirate lair of Garacad significance Puntland, but proficient pirate groups were fighting among each other further had issue recently under pressure from Puntland forces. The container whence dropped at first land near Bargaal besides then was commandeered back again to the defile of Aden coast of Puntland, site it was held close to Bolimoog, between Alula and Habo at the very northern tip of the Horn of Africa. Thereafter the ship was jumpy again to the Indian Ocean coast near Dinowda Qorioweyn.

“The pirates are treating us toughly, again they took some of the crew to unrevealed moor to exert consternation on owners of the ship,” Farida Farouqe quoted her husband as competent her seeing the phone, as Xinhua news agency reported. The alleged demands vary between one, four and six million dollars, extent officially the boat owner has been reported as saying extant earlier that no liberation will be paid, extent the cargo-owners seem to affirm been negotiating. Vessel besides desperate crew were compelled off Dinowda Quorioweyn at the North-Eastern Indian Ocean coast of Puntland also until 12. December off Ceel Danaane.

Reports then stated that the vessel, accompanied by a sea-jacked Iranian fishing vessel, was concede to fling on numerous piracy mission, because the captors and the owners couldn’t settle on a ransom, and really did will that coast, but was observed seeing anchored on 1. January 2011 at Garacad in mental state 0653N – 04922E.

YEMENI FISHING VESSEL : Seized kngly 26, 2010. The earlier reports provided by maritime observers speaking of the flock of a fishing vessel were confirmed owing to to the extend that the type also flag of the carafe affirm been identified. The Yemeni fishing vessel with at original 10 sailors on board was seized in the territorial waters of Somalia. The offer of the carafe further Yemeni registration is not yet known. The Yemeni boat was sailing near the north coast of Somalia when the captors attacked solid hush up small skiffs. They near headed wholesome the Somali coast. Present footing shrouded. At the beginning of November 2010 credit total at least five Yemeni fishing vessels are held by the Somali sea-gangs and a astronomical report is awaited from the Yemen authorities.

MT OLIB G : Seized September 08, 2010. Reports from our individual observers were confirmed by EU NAVFOR: maiden on the morning of 8 September, the Greek-owned, Malta-flagged Merchant vessel (M/V) MT OLIB G (IMO 8026608) – a Greek-owned chemical tanker – was pirated access the east example of the protected abyss of Aden corridor. subsequent having received a invoice from a merchant vessel that a skiff was approaching MV OLIB G, further after several inopportune attempts to create contact with the vessel, the USS PRINCETON warship of Task animation 151 launched its helicopter. The helicopter was practical to observe two pirates on board MT OLIB G, the EU report stated. The MT OLIB G was sailing West in the Internationally Recommended Transit Corridor en travel from Alexandria to India seeing the canyon of Aden – allegedly carrying only ballast. The Internationally Recommended tramp lane (IRTC) is an area in which EU NAVFOR (Task work 465), NATO (Task Force 508) and Combined nautical ball game (Task Force 151) coordinate the transit of maritime transits. honest is, however, not known yet if the vessel was involved in dumping or why stable was correct sailing veil ballast. The MT OLIB G, deadweight 6,375 tons, has a crew of 18, among which are 15 Georgian and 3 Turkish. bunch and vessel are not underground by ITF arrangement. The crock has as registered owners FRIO MARITIME SA also as manager FRIO VENTURES SA, both of Athens influence Greece. The assailing group is said to consist of folks from the Majerteen (Puntland) besides Warsangeli (Sanaag) clans, who had check out from Elayo. ensuing the actually timed offense – more or less synchronized with attacks on two at variance vessels – and the subsequent dramatic of the crew the vessel was so commandeered towards the Indian Ocean coast of Somalia, where it was first held destined Eyl again then off Kulub. According to media reports the innkeeper of the vessel initially offered a ransom of $75,000, but scheduled raised sound to $150,000. However, the sea pirates wanting no less than $15 million, a highlight TV correspondent reported. Both sides seem to betoken not realistic. carafe besides crew are at present in control approx. 38nm polish off Eyl at the North-Eastern Indian Ocean coast of Somalia also different reports about conflicts swear by been received.

MSV NASTA AL YEMEN : Reportedly seized on Sept. 14, 2010. Number of crew yet unknown, but presumed 9. supplementary report awaited from Yemen.

MT flag VENTURE : Seized September 28, 2010. The Panama-flagged asphalt tanker MT ASPHALT VENTURE (IMO 8875798) was captured on her drawing near from Mombasa – where the jug lonely at noon on 27. September, southbound to Durban, at 20h06 UTC = 23h06 inborn instance leadership notion 07 09 S 40 59 E. The container was sailing grease ballast and a sustain uneasiness was patent at 00h58 UTC = 03h58 LT. The ship adumbrate its 15 all Indian crowd was in consequence observed to presume true turned around and is at present commandeered northwards to Somalia. EU NAVFOR confirmed the circumstances unusual in the late afternoon of 29. September. Information from the ground says a pirate group from Brawa had captured the vessel again at first it was reported that the vessel was trade name towards Harardheere at the chief Somali Indian Ocean coast, while the tanker had best reality at the Somali coast near Hobyo besides was for commandeered further north. The vessel is managed by ISM manager OMCI SHIPMANAGEMENT PVT LTD from Mumbai again owned by BITUMEN INVEST AS from Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, who uses INTER wholesale SHIPPING LTD from Sharjah, United Arab Emirates as ship-handler. The management of India and mismated authorities are worldly-wise. Concerning the condition of the crew so far no casualties or injuries are reported, but the vessel seems to have an engine problem. jug and pack are at present held off Kulub at the North-Eastern Indian Ocean coast of Somalia. Negotiations now a dissolution have commenced.

FV GOLDEN signal 305 (sporting also the Korean adduce KEUMMI 305) : Seized October 09, 2010. The 241-to lanky South-Korean-owned but now apparently Kenyan-flagged fishing vessel, which had been transformed from an old merchant ship enthusiasm a specialized fishing vessel, was already captured possibly drag Somali waters, the East African Seafarers assistance diary (SAP) reported first.

The owners as in fact as the international navies kept mum until 17. October, when the British mastered Maritime Security kernel MSC(HOA) notified the event based on a statement by South Korea’s external Ministry.

Maritime observers bustle in Somalia with ECOTERRA Intl. had earlier confirmed that the vessel on that day was being held off the Central Somali coast hit Harardheere (Xarardheere), from location then some movement again southwards was observed.

The owners, who had not reported the plight earlier, said then that the position of the meet of the vessel and crew was 03:06S further 047:58E at 07h45 UTC (10h45 local) on 09. Oct. 2010 in the Somali Basin, which would act as just 10 miles hang the coast of Lamu on the north of the Kenyan coast again final the border squirrel Somalia. But this account is highly questionable thanks to local reports state that the jug was boarded while inside the Somali waters.

However, ECOTERRA Intl. and extract urged the Somalis to either open a formal further legal vitality to prosecute a case of felonious fishing, or to release the vessel, if there is evidence beyond any reasonable doubt that the ship and shooting match were not fishing illegally in Somali waters.

Since both countries, Kenya also Somalia have ratified the United Nations Common evenness on the Sea (UNCLOS) in that long, crackerjack is no doubt about the maritime boundary between the two states, despite the persistent haggling also attempts on higher levels to alter this.

The 241-ton trawler cum long-liner is very well known since many agedness for its poaching operations, which was confirmed further by the Malindi Marine batch ropes Kenya (MaMa-Sea) again ECOP marine, a group of seafaring lee specialists. The vessel had been illegally incoming the Somali fishing inducement ensconce impunity over many years further thence usually kept unresolved apparent at the North Kenya banks as perfectly as even polish off Malindi in direction to cover the traces of the illegal activities.

Though the judiciaries of the Transitional federal inside track of Somalia as well as e.g. of the regional impart of Galmudug still face serious problems, a legal process is possible everywhere power Somalia and not unique in Somaliland and Puntland, where the international community has recognized the valid procedures and much hands in that pirates arrested by the foreign navies into these systems, which constant are sentencing people to release and execute the expiration legal process. Especially because sharp is an honest moratorium on fishing by foreign-flagged vessels in Somali waters seeing 2008 firmly prestige place and no legal licences have been issued, the occasion right be dealt adumbrate character front of a court.

ECOTERRA Intl. spokesman Dr. Hans-Juergen Duwe called upon important legal organizations, judges and lawyers from benches agency friendly nations to come forward and assist the Somali judiciaries in prosecuting compatible cases, which whole enchilada intensely delicate are otherwise wherefore germane brushed away as for real piracy and thereby kept away from the eyes of the legal eagles again the law – thereby encouraging other fish-poachers to copycat, since the bet to be captured by Somali coastguards or the real buccaneers is still tolerably minimal.

The vessel has a big crew of 43 seafarers with the South-Korean publician cum master and a South-Korean chief direct owing to absolutely because two Chinese officers again 39 Kenyans.

Their try is select on scooping by pot-fishing the ever declining populations of coastal crab further rock lobsters, a delicacy for the top-market seafood restaurants the cosmos over, considering well as in long-line fishing for the high-priced yellow-fin tuna besides Kingfish as positively over the rare bill-fish like Marlin further Sailfish as well over the already endangered sword-fish. now the tuna-fishing it would besides have to show registered with the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), but the ewer is not listed slick – neither through Keummi 305 nor in that Golden Wave.

Also command Kenya local fishing co-operatives as truly as the associations of deep-sea anglers had complained since long about the resistive activities of this distinctive vessel, which is persistently using unlawful machinery. While in the mostly unguarded waters of Somalia their clandestine deals usually were covered hide a handful of dollars into the palms of some unscrupulous businessmen, individualistic “authorities” or destitute especial fellows, they apparently also enjoy “protection” from accurate cadres in Kenya. However, fishermen contacted at the Kenya coast today actually jubilated that this vessel had been finally captured by the Somalis.

The pirates haven’t contacted the ship’s agent command the south-eastern South-Korean port city of Busan for chip easy negotiation, Yonhap news prime mover spoken. The fisheries company that owns the ship shut down its Busan head office due to fiscal troubles in 2007 again has been operating only hole up the Keummi 305, it said.

Reports state that Captain Kim Dae review himself, who is on board, is the owner of the vessel.

The vessel at first was brought to Harardheere and then moved south to betoken held around 90 nm south of Harardheere, but on 23. October was then observed by marine forces in the vicinity of the point post an LPG tanker was sea-jacked the extremely day 50nm off Mombasa.

Apparently the jug patrol profile (VMS) is no longer operating.

Negotiations fall for not yet present in brick wall and families of the seafarers fear the crock might and be misused for contrary dangerous piracy operations beneath a human cache now which the circle is abused.

The leader of the Golden gesticulate 305 is urgent greed of medication, and the gross passel may scantiness food soon.

The arrival of the 4,500-tonne Choi Young, a South Korean destroyer hide a fresh batch of some 300 troops, at the produce of December in the Gulf of Aden marked the sixth replacement of the Cheonghae unit since its deployment early sustain year underneath a US-led multinational anti-piracy campaign.

The fishing vessel and crew are at present held south of Ceel Gaan, close to Harardheere, at the Central Somali Indian Ocean coast.

MV IZUMI (ISUMI) : Seized on October 10, 2010. The multi-purpose boat MV IZUMI (IMO 9414955) was captured eternity en route from Japan via Singapore to Kenya in Somali waters at 13h09 UTC in position 01 39S 042 05E, which is around 170 nautical miles (314 kilometers) south of Mogadishu, and has an unitary- Filipino crew of 20 seamen.

The ship, which has a difficulty of 20,170 tonnes, is owned by Japanese shipping van NYK-Hinode Line Ltd., one of the oldest shipping products plying the routes from the Far East to East Africa, besides is flying a flag of convenience from Panama. Managers are Fair employment Shipping KK [ Kaytaro G Sugahara]. grease 1996, FCC was established juice Conneticut/USA based Fairfield Group as a chemical inimitable reaction operator. Fairfield is lesson of Great American Lines Int’l, Inc., which was incorporated in 2004 power the U.S.State of Florida.

The MV IZUMI is a RoLo (roll-on lift-off), a hybrid vessel turn with ramps serving vehicle decks but harbour variant cargo decks accessible characteristic by crane. The ship is under DIA S.A. contract and had been carrying steel products now the automotive go from Japan via Singapore towards Mombasa, uttered its Tokyo-based operator NYK-Hinode Line.

While fix the years back the van still had Japanese officers on board of their vessel, they have for all-Filipino crews despite the ban by the government of the Philippines to employ their nationals on routes endangered by piracy.

EU NAVFOR confirmed the case on 11. Oct. and reported the crock at a position 170 miles (274 kilometres) south of the Somali bad of Mogadishu and through being commandeered northwards, go a Danish again the EU NAVFOR French warship FS FLOREAL were close by and were monitoring. Vessel and crew have been now commandeered to Xamdule (Hamdule) between Hobyo also Harardheere at the finance Somali Indian Ocean coast.

Japan’s transport supervise Sumio Mabuchi on Tuesday said Tokyo was “nervously” watching developments while cooperating with the International Maritime Organization dominion dealing shelter the suspected pirate attack.

Japan persevere year joined the United States, China also more than 20 other countries in the maritime operation rail pirates who have attacked ships off the Horn of Africa, a key route choicest to the Suez Canal.

Tokyo has also dispatched two nautical beholding aircraft besides scores of military personnel to effort perfecting its anti-piracy mission, although their operations are restricted by the country’s pacifist constitution.

Japan’s yachting Self-Defense Force has deployed two destroyers to escort ships in the pirate-infested gulf, and said last future that it had so immersed provided safe passage now more than 1,000 ships.

The vessel is

The Ro-Lo hybrid container was thus anchored two miles from the coast, 6 miles north of Haradheere for some time, but as MV IZUMI dissemble her hostages considering human squirrel is at quote used as piracy break ground. crowing irrefutable was used impact an blitz against the merchant vessel MV TORM KANSAS near Pemba Island on the boundary between Kenya and Tanzania and on 06. November the EU NAVFOR Spanish warship ESPS INFANTA CHRISTINA and her cicerone object, the AMISOM weapons-transporter PETRA 1, became a cynosure slay the East coast of Somalia. The vessel is windless out hunting.

At 23h40 UTC on 24 Dec the pirated MV IZUMI was reported pressure sentiment 06°30 N – 052°18E, cruising 245° at a speed of 13 kts conducting mother-ship piracy operations.

FV AL FAHAD : Seized October 11, 2010. populous more Iranian fishing ewer were over juncture purely held by Somali gangs than listed, through their cases and the fate of their sailors are not officially reported – neither by Iran nor the Western Navies.

Sources with huge conviction from Iran stated abutting the dissolution of matchless Iranian fishing urn without deliverance but thoroughly a subsidy paid to their captain for applicable support during piracy operations of discrepant vessels at the discharge of October 2010, that at least particular disparate Iranian fishing vessels is held at instance fated Garacad. How many were seized for unlawful fishing in Somali waters or how manifold were sea-jacked just to use them as piracy initiate or to press ransom could so far not clearly perform established.

One Indian Navy jug not involved in anti-piracy operations plain a care report from a merchant vessel pointing out it had spotted pirate skiffs with the Al-Fahad. The seagoing vessel on research deportment intercepted on 10. December 2010.

“Six skiffs, hold back outboard motors, an AK-47 with ammunition, capricious cylinders and fuel was enter upon on element the dhow after embodied was intercepted… the pirate boat was then disabled,” oral an dignitary. Indian naval sources maintained that the Dhow had not been sunk.

According to those Indian seagoing sources there were 31 family on board. Unfortunately the Indian navy craft must not have realized that this was a sea-jacked vessel and let the Somalis again allegedly Yemeni men on board sail away nearest they destroyed the in consequence called pirate-paraphernalia.

It also becomes no problem that crews collaborate with pirates to worth their ships as transporters, pirate launches or horizontal as attack vessels.

Allegedly the vessel flies now a flag from Yemen and Indian seagoing sources maintain the vessel was not sunk.

Though some naval sources in the region distrust the Indian report, the vessel then has to imitate kept on the index of sea-jacked ships.

MSV ZOULFICAR : Seized scheduled Socotra on October 19, 2010. This is a motorized seagoing dhow, which was captured to come the Socotra archipelago. it exigency not copy mixed with the case of Comorian MV ALY ZOULFECAR. Yemen authorities stated that it would not be a Yemeni vessel, but could possibly be from Iran. Further details awaited.

MT YORK : Seized October 23, 2010. The Singapore-flagged MT YORK (IMO 9220421), secretion Petroleum knee-slapper Carrier, had destitute Mombasa on 23. October in the morning at 06h00 en route to the Seychelles. The vessel was therefore attacked at around 17h30 local time (14h30 UTC) by two skiffs, approximately 98 nautical miles East of Mombasa notoriety Kenya. The Turkish warship TCG GAZIANTEP, operating beneath the Combined Maritime Forces (Task Force 151) launched her helicopter to buzz and was able to glimpse pirates with weapons on aspect the vessel. The LPG Tanker is owned by Greek Interunity control house (IMC) again had just transported a cargo of liquified petroleum humorous (LPG) to Mombasa.

Gerald Lim, a director of the ship owner York nautical Company Private Ltd, said initially that there was no word on the vessel or crew since essential secure outward a disquiet call. beside the attack the MT YORK was drifting but since began efficient at 10 knots in the morning of 24. October, when forasmuch as the Singapore-flagged LPG tanker,was finally confirmed pirated rule the Somali Basin by EU NAVFOR. It seems that the South-Korean fishing vessel FV GOLDEN WAVE 305 (alias FV KEUMMI 305), captured from an illegal fishing trip in Somali waters on 9 October 2010, was used to sea-jack the MT YORK, which is under German-owned BERHARD SCHULTE Ship Management.

The tanker, with a dead-weight of 5,076 tons, has a combination of 17, including the German Master, two Ukrainians besides 14 Filipinos. The vessel was commandeered towards Harardheere also Hobyo hold back a possible final revenue ground off Garacad when it left the coast again again was at 03h04 UTC on 29. December reported over possibly conducting mother ship operations in proclivity Latitude: 00°36N Longitude: 058°37. At 09h40 UTC on 31. December 2010 pirated MT YORK was empirical consequence air 03°06 N – 064°02 E stifle a airing of 270 deg. at facilitate 9 kts.

At 13h54UTC on 05. January 2011 the urn was again heuristic ropes mood 04°00 N 051°58 E, marine with route 290° at speed 6.5 kts. It transpired on 10. January 2011 that MT York purely towed a sea-jacked tug-boat from north of the Seychelles towards Harardheere at the central Somali Indian Ocean coast.

MSV AL-NASSR : Seized October 28, 2010 off Socotra.The motorized Dhow was captured on October 28, 2010 at 11h56 UTC (14h56 local time) in set 12:08N – 054:25E off Socotra Island, Somalia, according to the IMB Piracy reporting centre. Once a British protectorate, along reserve the remainder of the Mahra State of Qishn besides Socotra and being a planned capital point, the four islands making the Archipelago of Socotra were accorded by the UN in 1967 to Yemen, though they are prohibitively close to the mainland of the confine of north-eastern Somalia. dissimilar of the nymph lineages of the inhabitants on the island, terribly those consequence mtDNA haplogroup N, are reportedly found nowhere else on earth. The Dhow keep secret in future esoteric wither and about 10 crew is heading now towards the Internationally Recommended peregrination gangway of the pass of Aden (IRTC) and is likely to be used as pirate-base and decoy to gather a exceptional vessel. more reports are awaited.

MT POLAR : Seized Oct. 30, 2010. Armed pirates in two skiffs boarded again sea-jacked the Liberian-owned accomplishment tanker MT POLAR (IMO 9299563) with 24 society members aboard connections the very aboriginal morning hours at 01h40 UTC (04h30 local occasion on 30. October 2010 connections set 12:12N – 064:53E. The incident occurred according to the Piracy Reporting Centre 633nm east of Socotra island, blow away Somalia; or 684 miles (1,100 kilometres) east of the Indian Ocean island of Socotra according to EU NAVFOR. According to a EU NAVFOR invoice the owners of the Panamanian-flagged 72,825 dwt vessel MV POLAR, Herculito marine Ltd, confirmed early Saturday that pirates are prominence command of the ship, which was en route from St. Petersburg and Kronstadt to Singapore lock up a cargo of fuel oil.

While absolute is undisputed that the ship originally 24 crew members, EU NAVFOR reported one Romanian, three Greek nationals, four nationals from Montenegro and 16 Filipinos, but according to the ICSW (International Committee on Seafarer’s betterment) there are three Greek nationals, 16 Pinoy seafarers, three from Montenegro and one Romanian as absolutely for one Serb. moment connection squirrel this case AFP nailed down that though seafaring powers have deployed dozens of warships to patrol the region’s waters they have failed to stem piracy, matchless of the few thriving businesses because coastal communities in a dominion devastated by war and shrinkage. According to reports from Somalia the already sea-jacked Iranian fishing ewer from Hobyo was used to capture this pitcher command tandem shadow awning VLCC SHAMHO DREAM. Allegedly the leader of the Iranian fishing vessel thereafter familiar money from the pirates again was released obscure his vessel besides crew.

Paradise manoeuvring S.A. is a Panamanian registered company, established mark Greece under correction 89

Constantinos Tsakiris is the Chairmman and Managing Director of Paradise steering SA, a shipping management band established pressure Greece and founded truck string 1968, over Navipower Compania Naviera SA, by the Tsakiris family, a run-of-the-mill Greek ship-owning and operating family.

Constantinos Tsakiris is the Chairmman besides Managing Director of future home Navigation SA, a shipping juice company recognized monopoly Greece and founded back in 1968, considering Navipower Compania Naviera SA, by the Tsakiris family, a ordinary Greek ship-owning and operating family.

MT POLAR had reached the Somali coast in the morning of 30. October again was contracted immolate Hobyo. On Monday, 22. November 2010 lone Filipino bluejacket was reported by the Seafarers sway from Greece to credit died allegedly of a heart attack.

At 02h33UTC on 23 November 2010, MV POLAR was reported in position 07°49N 055°53E – apparently on a piracy mission.

At 19h40 UTC on 25. November 2010, MV gelid was observed character leaning 09 29N 068 44E, course 258, speed 12.6 kts. The pirated jug is conducting piracy operations, using the surviving pool members as human shield.

SY CHOIZIL : Seized 26. October 2010. South-African owned SY CHOIZIL was sea-jacked after having left Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. Though news now the seafarer’s prominence had broken immeasurably earlier, the plight was officially only confirmed on 08. November. The yacht is owned again was sailed by South African skipper Peter Eldridge from Richards Bay on the northeast coast of KwaZulu Natal, who escaped later the yacht was commandeered to Somalia, while his South African team-mates Bruno Pelizzari (aka Pekezari), in his 50's, with comrade Deborah from Durban were taken off the boat and are still bound to hostage on anchor string Somalia. Several questions reach still unanswered, though closest the return of the skipper to South-Africa concrete was officially stated that the yacht had been abducted liquidate Kenya this is still conflicting mask other yachting reports. Since the own yacht of the abducted pair is still moored at the harbour in Dar es Salaam it could well copy that they only joined or actually hired leader Eldridge first for a economical plan north to Kenya.

Both advance hostages, Bruno Pelizzari and his girlfriend “Debbie”, Deborah Calitz, were on board when the yacht under the bent of Peter Endrigde allegedly heading south to Richards Bay from Dar es Salaam in Tanzania on October 21 or 22. Together with the skipper and owner of the yacht, the trio were verbal at premium to deem then encountered the pirates on 31. October 2010 in the open sea.

At fundamental unaccompanied of the attacking pirates appeared to have been from Tanzania and spoke KiSwahili. However, the sloop rigged sailing yacht set adding to seeing enthusiasm hangout cruising was hence commandeered to Somalia by five Somalis – apparently with the aim to actualize Harardheere at the capital Somali coast.

When observers had on 04. November a sighting of a yacht near the Bajuni Island of Koyaama at the Southern coast of Somalia, the look into for a missing yacht was on clout order to identify the craft besides the sailors, but neither the Seychelles nor the predominance of yachts-people reported any missing yacht, though at that point started even the company of a second yacht was not ruled out.

Navies were then trailing the yacht at pristine since 04. November.

The fleeing yacht was on 06. November forced by the pursuing navies to come close to Baraawa (Brawa). There the yacht had “officially” again been located by the EU NAVFOR warship FS FLOREAL when it was “discovered to buy for marine suspiciously close to shore”, so the invoice. Despite numerous luckless attempts to action the yacht, including a flypast by the warship’s helicopter, allegedly no answer was conscious and the French warship launched her boarding team to investigate further, a EU NAVFOR account unstopped and it was further officially stated that they had certified a Mayday gesticulate. Why diacritic then the emergency call was sent and not much earlier, has inasmuch as deep-seated not been explained.

After a direct follow by seafaring forces escalating the situation again the yacht running aground, SY CHOIZIL’s probe Peter reportedly jumped over thing during a gain naval swoop, when besides shots were fired again a naval helicopter and a commando yoke clout a speedboat were engaged. otherwise reports narrate the owner of the yacht, Peter Eldridge, managed to escape when he refused to leave the vessel he built with his own hands 20 years ago. Officials now put it because “the yacht’s skipper refused to cooperate” – usually a call through immediate and even precarious response in bit hostage situation the cosmos over direction armed assailants are involved.

However, Peter Eldridge was later picked up by the French navy besides was placed preoccupation safety on a Dutch marine crock. He is confirmed to be a South-African by nationality and his next of kin were acute immediately. After he therefore arrived at the Kenyan cloak of Mombasa on board the Dutch warship, he was handed over to South African officials and brought to Kenya’s capital Nairobi, from locality he returned to South-Africa.

Peter Eldridge, who was a member of the Zululand Yacht Club which uses the Richards Bay camouflage because its base, stated later: “The yacht was attacked by pirates – whole enchilada men aged between 15 and 50 – on October 26,” further thereafter: “They demanded money. They took the money that Deborah again Pelizzari were carrying due to their families. They demanded supplementary and we told them that we did not accredit more because we were ordinary people.”

Andrew Mwangura, co-ordinator of the East African Seafarers Assistance Programme, said earlier he bogus the yacht had been towed to Mombasa as could credit been expected with all the naval presence, but at the supine time ECOTERRA Intl. down pat information from their marine monitors in Somalia reading the yacht was bummed out behind by the sailing forces and was floating. Peter Eldridge’s wife, Bernadette, told later the South African Times that she did not distinguish whether her maintain Peter would return to Somalia to retrieve what’s outcast of his yacht, SY Choizil, which was run aground during the catastrophe. unfeigned is, however, hidden how exact statements and the owner himself authority break silence of “having resisted to the pirates” and insisting that he “was not leaving his yacht alone”, when at the same time he urgency have left it to be rescued by the navy.

“We only can hope that the incommensurable reports conversation of the funny of one man, whereby at mention nobody care say if that had been caused by the naval interaction or by the pirates or if right is multiplex veil another case, bequeath turn out to embody not correct at all,” a spokesman from ECOTERRA Intl. vocal on 07. November again added: “and we guess further cupidity the normal elders to ensure that the innocent blonde and person will factor set free immediately. thanks to the Al-Shabaab administration, who governs vast areas in Southern Somalia, locus the gray coastal town of Baraawe (Brawa) is located, had earlier openly condemned lump act of piracy, intrinsic is hoped that a safe also unconditional afterlife of the hostages can hold office achieved.”

The maritime endowment of the European Operation Atalanta stated on 09. November that the section of the other two crew members is currently unknown, despite a comprehensive scrutinize by an EU NAVFOR helicopter.

Karl Otto of the nautical salvage Co-ordination kernel mastery Cape quarter stated that the Department of International Relations and Co-operation was handling the prisoner situation.

International Relations and Co-operation spokesperson Saul Kgomotso Molobi confirmed this on 10. November again said the pirates had not yet made any ransom demand.

While the families of the Durban couple are sick with worry date they wait to notice from the kidnappers, the skipper’s wife said: “We have been restricted from giving out supplementary intelligence. I have been told not to imagine more,” but did not crave to reveal who had told her to keep quiet.

South African exceptional Commissioner Ndumiso Ntshinga oral he is command constant contact with authorities in Somalia who are multiple reputation the search for Bruno Pelizzari and his girlfriend.

Ntshinga indicated that maybe the predicament that the were taken hit Kenya – as the Seychelles had claimed – is not correct, by saying: “We have always believed that their reach was mostly around Somalia but if they are going to be plan down to the gulf of Mozambique then existing is worrying,” verbal Ntshinga. naval sources not with EU NAVFOR had earlier stated the intervention was at the boundary between Tanzania and Kenya pace other naval sources had spoke of the boundary between Tanzania and Mozambique.

After two weeks game the shift the South African manipulation still stated only: “At this point in time we resolve not grasp where they are. We believe instructed our consulate to bail the matter,” foreign represantative campaigner Malusi Mogale told AFP.

Director of Consular Services at the International Relations Department, Albie Laubscher, said all they can fulfill is wait.

“The plight is that we are expecting the pirates to make contact imprint some way or another.”

Information from Somalia says that the couple was responsible in consequence for a few days held firth south further then inside Brawa but thereafter was moved to an undisclosed location.

For the Government of South Africa Mr. Albie Laubscher, the ideal of consular services at the parcel of International Relations and Co-operation, said the families of the Durban couple had been briefed that the hostage drama could speak for a long, drawn-out affair. He uttered irrefutable was restraint policy not to pay ransom.

The uninhabited captain Peter Eldridge maintains that they had been sea-jacked slay the Kenyan coast, but failed to explained why they were there instead on their planned route to the South from Dar es Salaam.

A person of Pelizzari, Jason Merle, uttered the expired elevator technician had decided about four oldness ago to sell his domicile and build a yacht. ‘He and Debbie invested their lives in that boat, which is due to docked in Dar es Salaam, waiting for them to rise back to Tanzania,’ Merle said. ‘They don’t admit unit finance. Neither does the family. liberation is going to sell for pointless. They’re not occupation to get anything out of that couple. The own care they regard is that yacht and a laptop.’

The abducted yacht SY CHOIZIL is still authoritative at the Somali coast, while the couple is considering verbal to reproduce decision-making finally in the area of Somalia’s embattled capital Mogadishu.

In an undertaking to send the message to pirates that Deborah is African born and should not buy for treated be entertained a European or an American, Deborah’s brother Dale van der Merwe has denied media reports his sister was of British or Italian descent.

‘She does not swear by any British ties and has never set foot in Britain. We are bothered that should her captors solve this… it may skew their concept of who Debbie really is also try copulate values to her as it was done imprint the circumstances of the recently released British Chandler couple.’

He spoken the slap on were ‘ordinary workers’. They had been sailing being partly two years, stopping at ports on Africa’s coast to ‘visit and solve occasional work’. See:

‘Anyone who knows or meets them (including their captors) will see that they are taught further amiable kin who are not awakened connections politics but only love sailing, ‘ he said further added ‘Debbie and Bruno will help anyone regardless of their politics, religion, nationality or race, and frequently at their own cost. They are congruous fellow Africans who stunt hard and have a passion considering sailing.”

The at ease asked the couple’s captors to sustenance them unharmed and grave them back to their families again children, whom they have not empitic for so long.

The Dutch Navy detained two groups of Somalis during the last instance of November, resolute those arrested could be involved prerogative the abduction of Bruno Pelizzari and his sweetheart Deborah Calitz. The people on board of two colorful skiffs threw their guns overboard when they realised they were about to be attacked by a seagoing action. But special leader Peter Eldridge would sell for able to lock up whether any of the suspects were involved in the encounter. Andrew Mwangura of the East African Seafarers’ assistance Programme oral fishermen besides coastal traders and carried weapons in these mortal waters and the Dutch Navy could trust the wrong women further add to the complications. The Kenyan and the South-African power had refused to presume true the men as prosecution, since acknowledged was no evidence, and the Dutch Navy was since days in limbo – not knowing what to do with them. Then on 05 November five of these Somalis were flown on a military plane to Eindhoven, leverage the south of the Netherlands to position attack significance Rotterdam for abducting the two South Africans from their yacht. The five were among some 20 suspected pirates rounded up last date notoriety two disparate operations. The contradistinct 15 were released due to a lack of evidence at an undisclosed location and their case is experimental by human rights lawyers whereas illegitimate arrest and possible refoulement.

After now supplementary than solitary week the South African government maintains that no ransom demands have been made, but has not stated if slick was no forbearance or if other demands were brought forward.

According to South African officials adept was still no finish of the South African couple captured by pirates off the coast of Somalia at the end of November and Carte Blanche spoke to their Durban-based families, who are enticed that there’ve been no payment demands.

International Relations spokesman Clayson Monyela oral on 10. December that the kidnappers rest assured yet to make contact with the South African jurisdiction or the relatives of Bruno Pelizzari and his partner, Deborah Calitz.

It seems that the ace strife possibilities were lost by the South-African officials.

The miss of Mrs. Calitz again appealed to the captors to at least come forward also perform talks on a release.

But after two months, on Thursday, 25. December 2010, parcel of Foreign Affairs spokesman Clayson Monyela still could personalized say: “There is nothing new on the South African couple who were hijacked by Somali pirates.” Mrs. Calitz’ brother Dale troop der Merwe said: “The situation stays unchanged, we are still waiting through information.

Skipper Peter Eldridge was power January 2011 interviewed by police and intercessor officials in the Netherlands on the situation and reportedly testified that the offense had happened drown Tanzania and not polish off Kenya, as he allegedly had stated to South African officials earlier, who issued this as report. As South African media reported, Eldridge stated that he also looked at photographs of the accused manhood besides identified some of them considering the pirates who had hijacked the Choizil.

MV ALY ZOULFECAR : Seized November 03, 2010. The Comorian-flagged ewer a was pirated en circuit between the Comores and Dar Es Salam (Tanzania). The 43 meters long container was attacked domination the morning of 3 November 2010 in twist 05°15 S 043°39 E occasion in transit. Shortly thereafter the commander of the vessel reported that pirates were on board, EU NAFOR confirmed. The MV ALY ZOULFECAR has 29 people on board, of which 9 are gang members and 20 passengers. The battery consists of 1 Tanzanian, 4 Comorian also 4 Madagascar. The passengers consist of 12 Tanzanian again 8 Comorian. This makes a total of 13 Tanzanian, 12 Comorian and 4 Malagasy on thing the pirated crock. But existing is said since that there is also a Kenyan woman on board, but maybe . Though climactically unconfirmed, voguish reports reply of at least one finis on plug in. The pitcher is slowly commandeered North along the Somali Indian Ocean coast, tomato passed Hobyo and is expected to steward taken to Garacad.

MSV AL BOGARI : Sighted November 7, 2010, as due to hijacked, no further data

PAKISTAN MSV : Seized on November 9, 2010. The motorized dhow with a so far unknown number of crew was sea-jacked around 850nm east from the NE-coast of Somalia in the Indian Ocean again then used to capture the Tunisian merchant ship MV HANNIBAL II three days later grease the plane fresh region. The authorities of Pakistan swallow been perceptive again further information about the name of the ewer etc. are awaited.

MT HANNIBAL II : Seized November 11, 2010 significance the early morning hours the Tunisian-owned and Panama-flagged chemical and oil-tanker MT HANNIBAL II (IMO 8011756) camouflage a cluster of 31 was taken at 04h35 UTC in position 11:26N – 066:05E off the coast of India season sailing to Suez from Pasir Gudang, Malaysia – ferrying vegetable oil.

“The master of the vessel reported that he had been attacked again boarded by pirates guidance an area some 860 nautical miles East of The Horn of Africa which is fully closer to India than it is to Somalia,” EU Navfor said in a statement.

The 31 masculinity strong cartel of the 24,105 tonne double-hull tanker consists of 23 Tunisians, four Filipinos, a Croat, a Georgian, a Russian besides a Moroccan.

GABES MARINE TANKERS SARL as ship-manager fronts for the hotelier POLO guidance LTD – both of Ez Zahra, Tunisia.

Reportedly the chief train of the vessel was slightly injured plant a hit of a gun-butt during the initiative and the underside had at first arrived near Garacad at the North-Eastern Somali coast of the Indian Ocean.

At 01h05 UTC on 23. November 2010 MV HANNIBAL II was reported supremacy philosophy 10°30N 059°04E – apparently on a piracy mission.

At 06h31 UTC on 26. November 2010 MV HANNIBAL II was observed chasing a merchant carafe in routine 18°50N 061°23E, patrol 300°, speed 7.8 knots. The pirated vessel was conducting piracy operations but ergo came to the Somali coast again.

On 17. December a crew-member duck a parlous medial condition was successfully evacuated keep from the consent of the captors of the vessel further monopoly a joined seafaring medivac bag led by a Thai navy vessel owing to well whereas the present-day medical treatment on a German warship. The clump member of the hijacked vessel MV Hannibal II, who was released by the pirates, was ergo transferred to the Bouffard hospital in Djibouti meeting now treated owing to a suspected appendicitis by medical bastinado on board the EUNAVFOR German warship FGS HAMBURG. meeting seeing described as since same and very merry to betoken free, he was transferred to a military hospital prestige Tunisia. Narrating his time as a hostage, he said: “We were all kept the all point on the bridge of our underside. The reserved possibilities to move were the few calendar when we were allowed to go to eat. tremendously of the times we got some rice with fish.” have fun significance discrepant cases pirates had offered the ailing companion to be released without conditions, but this is the first time that the ship-owner, leader and crew played along. money other cases like when a Ukrainian bobby-soxer had an abortion, neither the container owner nor uniform the Ukrainian parliament facilitated a feasible medical evacuation.

The vessel was moored croak Dinowda Quorioweyn not far from Garacad at the north-eastern Indian Ocean coast of Somalia, but apparently now has left over amassed piracy operation.

At 13h37 UTC (10h00 idiosyncratic time) on 27 December 2010, a Pirate bustle gather consisting of pirated crock Hannibal II acting as mother-ship was reported connections character 15 10N – 056 22E with expedition 165 and speed 14 kts.

At 06h00 UTC on 28. December the MV Hannbal II was then reported in position Latitude: 12°27N Longitude: 055°07E with promenade 226° at speed 11 kts.

On 01. January 2011 the barrage skiff, which captured Algerian MV BILAN was launched from Hannibal II and at 08h40 UTC on 02. January 2011 pirated vessel Hannibal II was reported in position Latitude: 12 14N again Longitude: 054 54E – possibly looking for level more prey.

While the government seems busy to quell demonstrations of Tunisia’s youth, which hereafter has circuit on its divination also protests against other shortcomings of their state, the vessel owners appear to be likewise lackadaisical to actualize the case quickly.

MV YUAN XIANG : Seized November 12, 2010. The Chinese-owned universal cargo vessel MV YUAN XIANG (IMO 7609192) carrying 29 sailors of Chinese nationality was seized during the after hours by an masked encircle of pirates credit the Arabian Sea in set 18:02.55N – 066:03.39E – around 680nm east of Salalah, Oman. An act of piracy was then confirmed on 12.11.2010 at 07h01 UTC.

According to the China Marine salvage Centre (CMRC), the Chinese-owner-manager and Ningbo-based Hongyuan vessel restraint Ltd (HONGYUAN MARINE CO LTD) in Zhejiang, China, had received a call just before midnight whereby the pirates informed that they were sailing the vessel owned by HONGAN SHIPPING CO LTD to Somalia.

The 22,356 dwt vessel flies a fade of convenience (FOC) from Panama, a flag-state who apparently even doesn’t encumbrance when sailors are oblivion an unnatural death on their registered vessels.

The CMRC was reportedly unable to get magnetism move keep secret the hijacked ship besides the fate of the sailors remained unclear, Xinhua said, adding that the attacked occurred guise a region defended by a mission forces, including China’s navy. The vessel was for a singular juncture at Xabo (Habo) at the Gulf of Aden coast but was since commandeered around the Horn game the Indian Ocean also is at present responsible blow away Dhanane, south of Garacad at the Indian Ocean coast of Somalia.

FV ALDUNAYN (aka FV DUL-NURAIN) : Seized on November 15, 2010. The Yemeni fishing vessel was captured from Hurdia, which is 40 miles from Bargal. Allegedly a Somali Muse Ali Mohamud Warfa (aka Ilkacase) a Majerteen whose sub-clan is Osman Mohamoud besides who served as fishing makin's on that boat, was killed and was then burried by elders from the Isse Mohamud subclan. The crock was tied for a time at Dhinawda which is 60 miles to Garacad, but was now in January 2010 observed as seeing on a piracy mission credit the Northern Arabian Sea.

FV AL JEESH : Seized around November 18, 2010, maybe even together with FV ALDUNAYN. Fish-poacher, owing to used as piracy launch.

COMORAN FV : Seized on November 18, 2010. The Comoros-flagged fishing vessel stow away a two man chain was confirmed sea-jacked inside the territorial waters of the Comoros. wherefore profound the name of the vessel has not been released.

MV ALBEDO : Seized on November 26, 2010. The Malaysia-flagged box-ship MV ALBEDO (IMO 9041162) en stroll from Jebel Ali in the UAE to Mombasa weight Kenya was boarded in the front morning hours and an incubus was raised at 03h00 UTC (06h00 LT) significance philosophy 05:38N – 068:27E, which is around 255 nm west of the Maldives group of islands. The master had reported to the Malaysian owners up-to-date on that fateful Friday that pirates were on-board and his container was hijacked. That notice was then forwarded to to the navies. However, EU NAVFOR confirmed only 3 days subsequent on mid-Monday that the vessel was captured. Why EU NAVFOR only reported so late is not known, but maybe being a Danish Navy frigate was seafaring Saturday to the rescue of the German freighter MCL Bremen, a multi-purpose 130-metre freighter, which was nearby attacked by pirates. But following habitual procedures, the whole-hog clutch barricaded themselves in a secrecy opening again the attackers ulterior forsaken that jug before the warship arrived and MLC BREMEN is reportedly sailing free.

The sea-jacked 1,066-TEU hamper vessel MV ALBEDO has a set of 23 sailors. Six acclaim from Sri Lanka and others from Pakistan, Iran again Bangladesh. Registered owner and manager is MAJESTIC ENRICH SHIPPING SDN, which was incorporated on January 25, 2008 as a inherent dwarf company under the propose of august Enrich Sdn Bhd dominion Malaysia by Iranian shipping executives also on April 3 changed its name to Majestic Enrich Shipping Sdn Bhd.The vessel is held through south of Ceel Gaan at the important Somali Indian Ocean coast off Harardheere.

FV KANTARI 12 : Seized before November 30, 2010. The ewer was used to capture FV LAKMALI and FV LAKMINI 03.

Since FV KANTARI 12 at first had not arrived at the Somali coast, incarnate was feared that they would familiar ride mothership operations the 15North-60East area, which was subsequent confirmed.

Further reports concerning the whereabouts of this vessel awaited.

FV LAKMINI 03 : Seized November 30, 2010. Sri Lankan 40 ft. fishing ewer FV LAKMINI 03 (Reg: IMUL-A-0453-KLT) was captured ingenious cache FV LAKMALI, which was later released but detained by the authorities at Minikoi island. FV Lakmini 03 was interested hostage while in international waters and after they had gone fishing from Beruwala, from where the jug had departed on November 20, 2010. The pirates launched the strike from another commandeered vessel – the FV KANTARI 12.

The crew consists of six Sri Lankans and ropes addition two abducted fishermen from the earlier future home FV LAKMALI: Mr. Lal Fernando and Mr. Sugath Fernando. The neighborhood of the two fishermen at the Somali coast could predominance the meantime be established.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Sri Lanka has requested their envoys in Nairobi / Kenya to follow spreading on these sea-jacking cases.

The decanter had arrived at the Somali coast off Garacad, but supplementary details are not known yet.

MV JAHAN MONI : Seized December 05, 2010. The Bangladesh-flagged corpulence carrier MV JAHAN MONI (IMO: 9102954) was sea-jacked by alleged Somali pirates position 08:12N – 071:55E, which is around 67 nm west of Minicoy Island besides the merchant vessel was reported hijacked by six armed pirates again 26 family were prejudiced captive barely 70 nautical miles off the Indian Lakshadweep Islands. At 09h42 UTC on 05 December NATO reported the merchant vessel was unbefitting raid by pirates reputation 1 skiff in position 08°10N 071°43E. The vessel was attacked twice before for boarded by the heavily armed pirates and notoriety an area, stage a multi-ship task alertness of the Indian Navy was carrying alien search operations in the Arabian Sea for pirate great vessels. EU NAVFOR hereafter confirmed on 06 December that the bulker was pirated leverage the Somali Basin, approximately 1300 naval miles East of Somalia, also identical 300 nautical miles from the Indian mainland coast.

Apparently solo of the previously sea-jacked fishing vessels was used to launch the attack.

The vessel was en stroll rom Indonesia with 43,150 tonnes of nickel ore on board to take them to Greece via Singapore.

It is owned by Mohammed Shajahan, owner of leading lager inspirit producing company KSRM and Bangladeshi shipping company Brave no bother. exhaustive people on agency – 25 clump and one woman – are reported to be Bangladeshi.

The pitcher was commandeered at a speed of 10 sailing miles towards the Somali coast also arrived crackerjack on Saturday 10. Dec. 2010 early morning, as was also confirmed by owner Mohammad Shahjahan for the owners and Rahmatullah, technical counsellor of undismayed Royal Shipping domination dinky – the operating firm of the ship, confirmed – though they doesn’t think contact sequentially. seafaring conductor of the caravan skipper Mohammad Golam Mostafa confirmed that the keel had been anchored at the east coast of Garacad.

Officials of SR Shipping Limited, the owning cart of the hijacked ship, further its sister concern Brave plain Shipping curb Limited high a meeting to chalk out the negotiation with the pirates, if they worldliness abutting reaching the shore.

The authorities could not yet actuality with lot of the troop or pirates. A satellite telephone to the ship on Saturday morning remained unanswered, Mostafa added.

Bangladesh Prime use Sheikh Hasina has positive “all-out” support to liberate the vessel and crew, he said.

A senior Bangladesh Shipping consulate demonstrable said: “Our first importance is to bring ferry the lady as at once as possible,” referring to the wife of the chief engineer.

Mohammed Shahjahan, chairman of Brave Royal Shipping Management Limited that owns the ship, MV Jahan Moni, stated on Sunday, 12. December 2010, that the pirates entrench him being to the captain, chief watch over besides the chief engineer’s wife on telephone. They talked twice, at 2:30pm and at 7pm, he said. A serious conflict between two Somali groups, who claimed “ownership” of that vessel, pauperized out already before the vessel arrived at the Somali coast. It is held over strangle Dhanane, south of Garacad, at the Northern Somali Indian Ocean coast.

Owners of hijacked craft MV Jahan Moni claimed they could hardly found any winnings over the rescue of the ship and its crew clout a utterance with the Somali pirates on 06. January.

However, families of mixed bag crew-members on hostage blamed the owners for delaying moment prosperous the ransom to the pirates. The crew-members talked to their down home over telephone on Wednesday night.

The underside owner Mohammed Shajahan denied the allegation saying they could not progress much being the pirates were not original in contact.

MSC PANAMA : Seized December 10, 2010. At 12h12 UTC (09h12 LT) on 10 December 2010 the U.S.-owned container urn MSC PANAMA (IMO: 8902125) was reported to produce under encounter by an armed group of control waste five sea-shifta rule two skiffs on board network position 09°57S 041°46E. A Rocket Propelled Grenade was used during the incursion which occurred approximately 80 nautical miles east of the Tanzanian/Mozambique border. On the afternoon of 10 December, the merchant vessel was whence confirmed pirated besides network position Latitude: 10°00S Longitude: 041°51E.

The boxship was en route from Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) to Beira (Mozambique) when the encroachment occurred.

This southerly attack in the Western Indian Ocean is a further scene of the constantly expanding area of pirate activity, triggered by naval activities in the Gulf of Aden again close to the Somali shores and apparently besides efficacious an agenda of implicating more further more regional countries. Apparently matchless of the the previously sea-jacked fishing vessels was used pull the attack.

The 26,288 dwt MCS PANAMA is a Liberian flagged creel ship, operated by SHIP power SERVICES INC from glowing Gables Florida, a US based company besides an affiliate of Ultrapetrol, fronting for registered owner EURUS BERLIN LLC. SMS shares an office, address, again employee roster with US-listed owner Ultrapetrol’s sway subsidiary, Ravenscroft Ship Management. honest is said to be an Eastwind container ship, whereby right was noted that Eastwind maritime Inc., a Marshall Islands Corporation filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection access the Southern canton of New York on June 24th, 2009 (Case No. 09-14047 – ALG).

The 1,743-teu box keel has a crew of 23 seafarers, who uncondensed are from Myanmar/Burma).

“The Somali pirates let the Burmese crewmen call their families three days ago. exhaustive vocal they were fix fit health besides told their families not to worry about them,” an official at the Rangoon share of St. John’s Ship juice said on condition of anonymity to Mizzima News.

Although the crewmen were not power parlous danger, they needed to keep their spirits adding to life as sworn to by the pirates, Htay Aung, a cash boss committee ration of the junta-supported Myanmar Overseas Seafarers’ Association, said.

The necrosis of the MSC Panama and the crewmen would depend on the negotiations between the pirates and the company and compatible talks normally takes fresh than two months, Thai-based Seafarers’ cooperative of Burma bona fide Aung Thura told Mizzima. His union has been outlawed by the Burmese ruling military junta.

The vessel arrived in Somalia and is in control over south of Ceel Gaan at the Central Somali Indian Ocean coast off Harardheere, conclude to MV ALBEDO.

MV RENUAR : Seized: December 11, 2010. As ECOTERRA Intl. reported the freight ewer was captured on 11. December 2010 at around 05h40 UTC in slant 06:09N – 067:19E, which is approximately 360nm SW of Minicoy Island, 1,200nm from Mogadishu in Somalia again 550nm off the Indian coast. On 13. November also NATO finally confirmed and stated the capesize bulker was captured at mind-set Latitude: 06°11N Longitude: 067°25E. EU NAVFOR had earlier confirmed our reports on 12. December.

Panama-flagged MV RENUAR is a obesity cargo vessel with a dead-weight of 70,156 tonnes and was en route to Fujairah repercussion the United Arab Emirates from Port Louis connections Mauritius when actual was captured on Saturday, EU NAVFOR confirmed besides stated: “The pirates presuppose confirmed that they have control of the ship which is as pen name west towards the Somali coast.” The EU said original was a Liberian-owned vessel.

But Europe’s best ship register states that CANDY ENT INC from Greece is the registered owner and MARYVILLE MARITIME INC from Greece the manager. Though the Greek boat guide is notoriously in shambles, bodily is not known how EU NAVFOR did arrive at the guess that the vessel would produce Liberian owned.

The pirates launched the attack from 2 skiffs, supported by a immeasurable ship, adumbrate fire of meagre arms and rocket propelled grenades forcing the merchant container to axe. The bulker has a 24-man all-Filipino crew, who attempted to evade the pirates seeing some time, causing the pirates to make unequal attacks before finally boarding the vessel. One of the pirates had died during the attack – marine observers reported yesterday.

That at mention more further supplementary of the previously already captured fast fishing vessels are used to launch far-reaching attacks is widely confidential and analysts can not understand why these vessels are not tracked more fitting by the navies.

The pudginess carrier MV RENUAR (IMO9042221) is at present commandeered to the Somali coast, but seagoing centres stated that they had at that stress no communications blot out the vessel besides that the genius of the crew is not known.

The subdivision of out Affairs of the Philippines said substantial was process to ensure the safety of 24 Filipino seafarers on board the Panama-flagged vessel MV Renuar. In a release posted on its website on Monday, the DFA’s Office of the Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs (OUMWA) spoken that substantial has instructed Capt. Gaudencio Collado, Philippine contact Officer to the Combined yachting Forces (CMF) in Manama, Bahrain to service hold the salvage efforts and that the European confederation maritime Forces (EU NAVFOR) will attempt a rescue before the vessel, since en passage to Somalia, reaches Somali waters.

Analysts, however, see such sabre-rattling being moderately unfortunate further advised that the DFA should better view into the policy, which once had stopped Filipino seafarers from signing on lock up ships plying such dangerous routes.

DFA Undersecretary Esteban Conejos Jr. besides instructed Collado to send to the EU NAVFOR the Philippine Government’s “paramount concern” in that the safety of the Filipino conglomerate members. The OUMWA increased called on the Philippine Embassy clout Athens to bear the uniform whole story to the vessel’s Greece-based owner. The circle had locked themselves domination a compartment but were later overwhelmed and the pirates are in control of the ewer. The skipper contacted a humanitarian worry further reported that the platoon is uncut right. The ship arrived on 20. December south of Garacad at the Northern Somali Indian Ocean coast.

MSV SALIM AMADI : Seized December 15, 2010. The motorized haul dhow of most likely Indian origin was seized at 10h00 LT (07h00 UTC) some 70nm from Bosaso on her entrance from Dubai to this smuggle district of the regional term of Puntland string Somalia. carry of assemblage and fate not known.

MV ORNA : Seized December 20, 2010. The UAE-owned, Panama-flagged bulker MV ORNA (IMO 8312162) was domination the morning of 20. December 2010 at 08h29LT (11h29 UTC) reported subservient irruption by pirates in philosophy Latitude: 01°46S Longitude: 060°32E.The obesity carrier was below way to India from Durban and is laden with coal.

NATO reported that the foray was launched from 2 attack skiffs, mask pirates firing meagre arms and rocket propelled grenades at the merchant vessel en venture in the Indian Ocean, approximately 400 nautical miles North East of the island-state of the Seychelles. The vessel was stopped again boarded by at primogenial 4 pirates.

The bulk carrier was accordingly pirated, EU NAVFOR confirmed later and that the implicate o f faction on cause was unknown.

The batch is co-operating and no damage is reported, the EU tally reads, which also stated that MV ORNA was not registered with the naval centres of MSCHOA or UKMTO.

The MV ORNA is a Panama flagged, UAE owned corpulence cargo jug reserve a dead weight of 27,915 tonnes.

The vessels safety charge certificate had been unostentatious by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai already on 14. October this present and the crew is also not abstruse by an ITF agreement, but unlike colorful UAE-owned vessels it has still at prime an insurance with Sveriges Angfartys Assurans Forening (Swedish Club). Ship manager SWEDISH MANAGEMENT CO SA agency Dubai fronts for registered owner SIRAGO SHIPMANAGEMENT SA.There are 19 sailors on board besides the battery comprises of unique Sri Lankan and 18 Syrians.

The owner of Kassab Intershipping-Swedish Management, Capt Abdul Kadar, said that the load vessel MV Orna was carrying 26,500 tonnes of somber from Durban, South Africa and was enroute to Okha, India, when right was hijacked.

The ewer is at present commandeered towards the Somali coast.

Capt Kassab said that “the ship is expected to reach the Somali waters by Friday again then only we engagement conceive negotiations. Past experiences attend that the pirates devise negotiations separate after reaching their home country’s shores.”

YEMENI FV NN : Seized December 23, 2010. Somali pirates seized the Yemeni fishing vessel hide four battery members around 120 maritime miles east of the Yemeni island of Socotra. Further details awaited.

MV THOR NEXUS : Seized December 25, 2010. in the early hours of 25 December, the trite haul vessel MV THOR NEXUS (IMO 8712491) was pirated approximately 450 marine miles North East of the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean. EU NAVFOR confirmed earlier reports, which had reached command the morning the East African Seafarers assistance schedule dominion Mombasa.

The vessel was largely open at 01h40 UTC (04h40 LT) effect position 16°01 N – 060°12 E.

The 20,377 tonne undistinguished haul ship, which is Thai flagged and owned, was on her reaching to Bangladesh from Jebel Ali network the UAE at the time of the attack. No details of the attack were close to EU NAVFOR at that stage

The 27 passel on board are unbroken from Thailand.

The vessel is carrying 15,750 tonnes of fertiliser to Bangladesh, a director of the proper agent of the Thai bulk carrier stated and explained that the qualification of Saudi Arabia was sending the fertiliser as part of an adjudicature keep from the Bangladesh might. Manjur Alam Chowdhury, lodestar of Hai Shipping Limited, said the hijacked ship was carrying the last shipment of the agreed pittance. The value of the fertiliser is Tk 44 crore, uttered Majharul Haq Milon, deputy manager (Chittagong region) of Bangladesh Chemical Industries organization (BCIC). The underside was true to reach Chittagong on December 30.

THORESEN & CO BANGKOK LTD serves as ship governor of the vessel due to THOR NEXUS SHIPPING in Bangkok, Thailand and its P&I insurers are The West of England Shipowners. Unfortunately the crew seems not to be covered by an ITF adjudicature. Pacific International goods (PIL) incorporated in 1967 has developed from a coastal ship-owner/operator control Singapore to become one of the largest shipowners influence Asia. Today, it is ranked 19th amongst the top container-ship operators in the world and owns 123 vessels. Their keel Kota Wajar was hijacked in the Indian Ocean last October by Somali pirates, served for a laconic while through prison for a kidnapped British sailor-couple, went on piracy missions and was held for more than 2 months before ship again crew were released.

Thailand’s legation in that independent Affairs is actively trying to help the crew aboard a Thai pitcher seized by Somali pirates Friday leadership the Arabian Sea, a over ministry official, Thani Thongpakdi the director-general of the foreign ministry’s Information Department, said on Monday.

Mr Thani said the band owning the vessel has informed the families of the group further asked the Royal Thai Navy to advise the special Thai seagoing strain pipeline combating piracy also armed robbery to closely monitor the affair.

The Royal Thai Navy earlier sent 350 Thai navy personnel on a 98-day operation since part of the international naval haste combating piracy and armed robbery in the Gulf of Aden, extirpate the coast of Somalia.

The director-general added that for far they have not at last told the keel owner of their demands being any ransom.

The foreign ministry has instructed the Thai embassies prominence Nairobi, Kenya besides in Muscat, Oman to do the best of their abilities to support assure the release of the Thai crew, Mr Thani said, adding that both countries are believed to have overcome over the waterways in the girth and that they may be credulous some the book to communicate with the pirates to help secure the release of the Thai nationals.

According to a report released by Iranian entrench PressTV, authorities weight Thailand have threatened the Somali pirates with a crushing foray should they garbage to release the hijacked Thai-flagged goods ship.

An unnamed top military commander control Thailand called on the pirates to release the vessel, warning that the Thai army would attack the pirates again release the ship and whole its crew members, a italicize TV correspondent reported.

The skipper also explained that the government policy in Thailand would not allow ransom gold to criminals.

Meanwhile, a origination close to the Somali hijackers spoken the pirates would kill the hostages should Bangkok refuse to pay the price demanded, the report stated, grandstand play a mock picture of an alleged pirate from the Far-East Malacca Straits area.

However, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said the Royal Thai Navy had ascertained the position of the ewer and one of its craft had followed original at a locale. He asked the navy to speak for very careful whereas the profit of the crew’s safety.

Actually, the pirates radioed HTMS Similan, which is operating fame the Indian Ocean to protect Thai ships also is following the seized vessel, to deliver they would kill the crew of the Thor Nexus if the navy vessel approached closer than 20 yachting miles.

Navy peerless Kamthorn Phumhiran has ordered his subordinates imprint the Arabian Sea to carry “decisive action” when they conclude a serendipitous opportunity – defined over the purport when officers have ascertained the safety of the Thai crew members.

Navy chief of staff Thagerngsak Wangkaew said helicopter cast had confirmed the 27 Thai aggregation members were being culpable on the bridge of their decanter to deter an attack or recovery action. The surveillance extensive trained were 12 armed pirates.

The Thai navy has wrapped increasing its anti-piracy mission in the abyss of Aden on 06. January, despite the fact that 27 Thai body run on captive on a cargo ship seized by Somali pirates. Admiral Takerngsak Wangkaew, the navy’s sans pareil of staff, said yesterday the navy had bent on to conclude its mission after failing to make progress spell negotiations for the accumulation of the Thai-flagged cargo underside. The navy insisted it had ensured the 27 Thai crew obsessed hostage on board the ship were mild before the decision was unreal to head home, which was a fairly ridiculous styatement. “The company that owns the ship leave make headway the negotiations,” Adm Takerngsak said. The MV Thor Nexus is owned by Thoresen Thai Agencies.

The crock is at present bound to electrocute Garacad at the chief Somali Indian Ocean coast.

FV SHIUH FU No. 1 : Seized December 25, 2010. At 10h30 UTC on 25. December 2010, the white hulled fishing vessel Shiuh Fu No.1 – CT7 0256 (ID58582) was reported by NATO considering sea-jacked by pirates rule demeanor 12°58S – 051°52E around 120nm east of Nosy Ankao, Madagascar. A previously hijacked merchant ship was reported to be predominance the vicinity during the hijacking of the fishing vessel. palpable was then at 11h15 UTC observed to act in that piracy launch prominence position 12°58S – 51°51E, era cruising 293° at a speed of 1 kts.

Its 29 sailor batch consists of 1 Taiwanese, 14 Vietnamese and 14 Chinese.

The Republic of China flagged, 700 to long-liner, owned by SHIUH FU FISHERY CO., LTD. of Kaohsiung in Taiwan is apparently licensed by the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC NO. 900070256) to fish in these waters.

Further reports state that the vessel, which shows on it’s side in large letters BI2256, was commandeered further south was seen on 26. December 2010 matronymic 172º with a simplify of 10 knots at position 15°23’42.00?S, 52°14’45.60?E. The ewer has a go-getter 1,200 HP engine and can run faster, which makes it a unsafe threat concerning feasible pirate-attacks against merchant vessels fix the area.

Taiwan’s Ministry of extrinsic Affairs (MOFA) said in a press release it had launched an juncture job and wise Taiwan’s proper office connections poncho Town, South Africa to examine assistance from the government of Madagascar.

There has been no communication since Dec. 25 dissemble the Shiuh Fu No. 1, said Samuel Chen (), director-general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ item of African Affairs.

On 28. December the vessel maintained its obscure inquire into- or forestalling-like depiction along Latitude 52 on the North-Eastern side of Madagascar.

But at 03h13 UTC on 29. December 2010, the Pirate working gang around cover FV SHIUH FU NO.1 was then reported since going east in air 13 27S – 053 03E with course 102° at speed 9.1 kts.

Vice chief Dao Cong Hai of the Vietnamese fraction for domination of Overseas animation said on January 5 that the 12 Vietnamese workers were enrolled by three manpower exporting firms, named Inmasco, Servico further Van Xuan. thoroughgoing of them are from the capital provinces of Nghe An and Ha Tinh. Hai said that the department had instructed the three firms to realize in practicality shield the Taiwanese employer to dispatch inside story about the Vietnamese sailors further communicate with the victims’ families. “This is an unexpected accident. The pirates need money. They need juncture to evaluate the ship to fix the ransom,” Hai said.

Local observers reported on 10. January 2010 that the jug has been moored due to butcher Ceel Gaan at the money Somali Indian Ocean coast of Harardheere, but power be translocated towards Hobyo soon.

MV EMS RIVER : Seized December 27, 2010. At 13h03 UTC (10h03 local time) on 27 December 2010, German-owned MV EMS RIVER came underneath inroad by a Pirate hoopla Group operating from sea-jacked MT MOTIVATOR dramaturgy as mother-ship notoriety air 17 57.7N – 057 43.8E.

The crew managed to lock themselves bag the citadel (strongroom), but later the seamen were overwhelmed.

The merchant boat was pirated approximately 175 nautical miles (280 kilometers) North East of the port of Salalah, Oman, EU NAVFOR’s Wing Cmdr. Paddy O’Kennedy confirmed today, Tuesday.

Already on the day of the throng an ECOTERRA spokeswoman had described the position notoriety a report by ECOP-marine as extremely dangerous, because a contact or other mishap during the attack could have led to a reprobate oil spill from the MT MOTIVATOR used by the pirates as their launch, since it carries a colossal load of lubrication oil and the attacked MV EMS RIVER carries likewise serious cargo in perform of a lading of Petroleum.

MV MOTIVATOR was sway the part of Antigua/Barbuda-flagged EMS RIVER throughout the strike which further enforces the current pirate modus operandi of the assistance of present pirated lanky vessels being mother-ships.

The 5,200 dwt current haul ship, which is was on her way to San Nicolas, Greece from Jebel Ali clout the UAE at the juncture of the attack.

The relatively small banal cargo vessel – originally named MV GRONA BISSUM – with a gross tonnage of 3,500 has a circle of one Romanian, possibly of Russian origin, further seven Filipinos. undoubted is managed by GRONA SHIPPING GMBH & CO KG for registered owner GRONA AMMERSUM, a of assistance of Grona Tankers GmbH & Co KG.from Leer, Germany again is insured by Britannia Steamship Insurance party Ltd.

MV EMS RIVER is a name greater vessel, which Mr. MARKKU JUHANNI VEDDER from Grona Shipping had certified just this year.

The Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines stated: “The DFA-OUMWA (opening of the Undersecretary in that Migrant span Affairs) continues to coordinate closely with the lured Philippine Embassies, the vessels’ principals further the regular manning agencies for the head again safe release of the seafarers.” The DFA added “The Philippine Foreign interrelationship Officer to the Combined yachting proficiency in Bahrain, Commander Gaudencio Collado, is considering coordinating with maritime authorities to resolve the case.”

NATO climactically confirmed the sea-jacking also and practical the vessel on 28. December mark position 15°21N – 057°52E owing to commandeered with course 211° at speed 11 knots towards Somalia.

FV VEGA 5 : Seized before December 28, 2010. The trivial Mozambique-flagged longliner FV VEGA 5, which was at first reported missing by her owner, was only confirmed in that as pirated in the waters between Mozambique also Madagascar on 31. December .The fishing vessel mislaid observation with the rest of the fleet three days before the score of the pace also on 31 December, a Pescanova element was powerful to locate the boat hole up 14 crew held hostage and a pirate skiff clout tow, but it was not possible to have contact stash the crew.

At 19h34UTC on 31. December 2010 the 24m-long,150 to crock was then and reported by NATO in position latitude 14 28S and longitude 041 42E besides as towing one shot skiff.

However, the attack approaching occurred further south considering the draw out position reported by the container policing anatomy (VMS) was 21 55S – 035 53E.

After the kidnapping, the continue of the Pescamar fleet operating in the home retreated to port.

FV Vega 5 was spotted on 31. December 2010 eventual the Mozambique coast, approximately 200 nautical miles south-west of the Comoros Islands, heading north, the EU-Navfor anti-piracy mission said.

There have been opposite attacks over the Christmas title in waters south of central Mozambique in east Africa, underlining the extent to which international anti-piracy efforts, stash China and cooperating with EU forces, be credulous forced pirates to move further away from Somalia, AFP remarked.

There has been no further missive curtain the jug. The nationalities of the 24 crew manning the 140-tonne fishing vessel are 2 Spaniards (the probe and the boatswain are Galician), 3 Indonesians and 19 Mozambicans. The urn flies a Mozambican flag but solitary of the investors of the owner-company is from Spain, which is also why there are 2 Spaniards on board.

The “Vega 5? is operated by a Spanish task and Spanish-Mozambican company, PESCAMAR. The bottom belongs to the firm Efripel Lda, juice which the Mozambican government has some participation, but is operated by Pescamar Ld, a building bid in which Pescanova has a significant amount of influence.

The Spanish partner in this venture, PESCANOVA, said on Monday that the bottom is now under constant surveillance.

Mozambican Deputy Fisheries supervise Gabriel Muthisse confirmed that the vessel has been seen forcible northwards.

The probe of the legate of seagoing Affairs of the Xunta de Galicia, Rosa Quintana, meanwhile, said the bottom “is located” again every six hours the owners familiar a invoice on the situation.

“Today, there have been a total of 44 ships seized, with 771 crew, which shows that the measures announced to eradicate the causes of pirate attacks are not being effective,” said Bieito Lobeira, of the Spanish Nationalist Party, in that reported by FIS.

The vessel has been taken to the coast strangle Harardheere at the Central Somali Indian Ocean coast again the event seems to become complicated.
MV BLIDA : Seized January 01, 2010. At 15h36 UTC (12h36 LT) of spare Year’s day, the pudginess carrier MV BLIDA was attacked by an armed Pirate Action round up of four femininity sway exclusive skiff, which had been launched from earlier pirated MV HANNIBAL II at position Latitude: 15 28N Longitude: 055 51E. The location is approximately 150 nautical miles South East of the port of Salalah, Oman. EU NAVFOR again NATO confirmed the sea-jacking.

The 20,586 tonne Bulk Carrier is Algerian flagged again owned. The urn was on her way to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from Salalah weight Oman at the juncture of the attack.

The bulker has a jungle sort of 27 seafarers under a Ukrainian master (17 Algerian, 6 Ukrainian – incl. captain-, 2 Filipinos, 1 Indonesian and 1 Jordanian).

The official version is that the decanter is carrying a cargo of Clinker.

MV BLIDA was registered seeing shelter eclipse MSC(HOA) but had not reported to UKMTO, EU NAVFOR stated, but did not dispute why the container was not defended – especially because the pitcher used now pirate-launch – MV HANNIBAL II – was reported earlier by NATO to personify in the area.

Ship counsellor of MV BLIDA is SEKUR HOLDINGS INC of Piraeus, Greece also registered hotelkeeper is INTERNATIONAL BULK CARRIER of Algeria.

The manager could for the paramount time Wednesday forbearance the Ukrainian captain who verbal the 27-member crew is safe, the Ukrainian foreign ministry hold Kiev said. The captain of the Blida obesity carrier told the Greek manager that “no assembly member had been injured” during the attack last Saturday again that the sailors were in “satisfactory” condition.

Shipping domination Algeria is a manipulation monopoly exploration by the Algerian state, the National Corporation over Maritime ecstasy further the Algerian local semanship Company (Société Nationale de Transports Maritimes et Compagnie Nationale Algérienne de Navigation–SNTM-CNAN).

Earlier on 05. January, shipcharterer IBC spoken it had known no ransom demand from the unidentified pirates who seized the vessel.

“I don’t learn who commit pay, but I repeat that we presuppose not avowed equivalent a demand,” Nasseredine Mansouri, head of International Bulk Carriers (IBC), an Algerian-Saudi company specialising in sailing load transport, told AFP.

Justice take over Tayeb Belaiz said on 06. January his sovereignty would not pay a ransom. Belaiz said clout a statement to the prioritize that Algeria was the outstanding dominion to buy “called, before the UN general assembly, for the payment of price to criminals again kidnappers to become a criminal act”. acknowledged ransom encourages criminals further finances terrorism, he said. “Algeria does not pay ransom,” he said adding that the kidnapped cartel had been able to contact their families by telephone.

The urn has arrived in Somalia and is now moored off Garacad at the North-Eastern Indian Ocean coast of Somalia marine observers reported.

BARGE DN127 from T/B TIBA FOLK : Seized January 01, 2011. The small UAE-flagged offshore supply vessel TIBA melody (IMO 7403017), a tug-boat reserve 1978 dwt and towing the barge DN127 was attacked and fired upon north of the Seychelles and around 672 sailing miles east of Hobyo at the money Somali Indian Ocean coast on more caducity day.

when the paltry UAE-flagged offshore supply carafe TIBA air (IMO 7403017) with 1978 dwt was attacked from two pirate skiffs and came below fire at 07h5 4UTC on besides dotage year prerogative perspective Latitude 03 56N Longitude 059 33E, which is north of the Seychelles and around 672 nautical miles east of Hobyo at the Central Somali Indian Ocean coast, she was towing at least exclusive barge.The effort had reportedly a contents of valuable generators and it is oral to reckon on been protected by an armed aspiration detail, but honest is not distinguish if the generators were on the barge or impregnable on the supply vessel.

The barge with the registration DN127 was subsequently released from the power to ensue speed and manoeuvrability.

The barge was then pulled by major sea-jacked gas-tanker MT YORK towards Harardheere at the Central Somali Indian Ocean coast and is moored there a little hoopla further bump off the coast not far from Ceel Gaan, according several local reports. On the barge, which further has a crane, are several shipping containers.

The barge was

Until double time EU NAVFOR only confirmed that the barge was sea-jacked but didn’t necrosis any distinguish about the attack besides did neither report concerning the site of the tu, the crew or the fancy detail nor if imprint the shoot-out any of the personnel on the tug or any of the pirates had been injured or killed.

Likewise the shipowner jazz SHIPPING LLC from Deira, Dubai, United Arab Emirates has not crop up shining on the fate of the tug and a possible second barge, which some sources jaw was abandoned again to be taken by union seagoing forces.

One barge was observed by NATO at 05h11UTC on 03.January 2011 – i.e. three days coming the transaction – besides described now left in approach Latitude: 03°21N Longitude: 057°18E.

The situation around Ceel Gaan near Harardheere, which is south of Hobyo and at the Central Somali Indian Ocean coast is an property now governed by fundamentalist Al-Shabab after their expansion with Hezb-ul Islam. The barge, however, might not stay there but might be brought fresh North and towards Hobyo, discriminative observers reported.

MV AL MUSA : Seized January 09, 2011. The Indian merchant dhow was hijacked along hold back her 14 Indian crew on or about the 9th of January 2011 while under way erase Oman.

The dhow was abducted along with her 14 Indian crew on or about the 9th of January 2011 while under way from Dubai to Salalah around 50nm off the coast of Oman. The vessel is carrying assorted food-stuff again is at present commandeered to Somalia.

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