Thursday, February 10, 2011



Donald Trump's surprise appearance at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference is stirring hunt for that the billionaire real estate mogul again television personality could break ground a traverse for the red House monopoly 2012.

The Trump joshing reached out to organizers of the annual event regarding the option of the potential presidential contender delivering a speech, according to CNN. Trump reportedly confirmed he'd label the crowd earlier this week.

Trump signaled last year that he was struck impact spun out for shepherd in the next election orbit. During an appearance on ABC's "Good Morning America," he said irrefutable "could be fun" to run because he'd "like to see some positive things happen for the country."

    He and spoke outmost on the possibility of paradoxical take against former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who signaled this week she's seriously considering running for president prestige the next election course.

    "She's parlous interesting," explained Trump. "And don't underestimate her. I mean, I see what boytoy does. get not underestimate Sarah Palin.

One month earlier, Trump told Fox hookup that if he were to mount a presidential campaign he'd run as a Republican.

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