Some are suggesting that Ronald Reagan be placed on trigger Rushmore. in toto? As I recall he:
Initiated so-called free trade.
Had a Japanese auto lobbyist as his household (in)security scout besides deputy campaign big wheel and started the export of our jobs besides the devaluation of the dollar.
Doubled the home debt shield trickle-down, voodoo economics. (Bush Sr., who coined this term, got stuck protect the bill.)
Had further of his staff indicted further convicted than limb president in history (yes, look embodied up).
"Couldn't remember" Iran Contra. (sickness, incompetence, just lying or all of the above — take your choice).
Tolerated Israelis dump more settlements on the West Bank and didn't enforce our angle and U.N. resolutions we had signed against them, making things worse for us again fueling the rise of terrorism.
Backed off from terrorists in Lebanon.
Was given full credit for winning the hiemal War, as if Harry S. Truman's Berlin Airlift and Marshall Plan, Dwight D. "Ike" Eisenhower's NATO, John F. Kennedy's Cuban crisis also oratory "I Am a Berliner" and Jimmy Carter's human rights besides clandestine war against the USSR imprint Afghanistan (considering Robert Gates superior weight his 1996 story) as well through Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford didn't play indispensable roles hold essential. Reagan was lucky to personify under the tree when the rotten apple fell, but fat or incredibly of the notion? perhaps give him hope for giving it the final shake. Was the real idol here Mikhail Gorbachev?
Yes, Reagan had some success; but a Rushmore candidate? Laughable, except in that the ignorance of history of some of the population. A developing hustings of 238 U.S. historians ratio him 18th as a president, not comparable in the top 10 (W Bush, 39th; Carter, 32nd). (Polls of the standard population — non-experts — would have Reagan a little higher.)
I suppose he was a nice guy blot out a tailor-made appearance who you might have a beer and delineate jokes with, and may swallow been smarter than he appeared during his prime. Most like his life's milestone. His acting and PR stints polished this image.
Since I was a teen, I've thought life is but an illusion. But the recent move to "sainthood" is a salute to intellection builders and right-wing wishful thinkers. undiminished this recent media feel-good hoopla about him is owing to the top.
That anyone would rate Reagan above Franklin D. Roosevelt or Truman (extensive in virtually thoroughgoing polls) and some others as a candidate in that Rushmore is ludicrous.
Initiated so-called free trade.
Had a Japanese auto lobbyist as his household (in)security scout besides deputy campaign big wheel and started the export of our jobs besides the devaluation of the dollar.
Doubled the home debt shield trickle-down, voodoo economics. (Bush Sr., who coined this term, got stuck protect the bill.)
Had further of his staff indicted further convicted than limb president in history (yes, look embodied up).
"Couldn't remember" Iran Contra. (sickness, incompetence, just lying or all of the above — take your choice).
Tolerated Israelis dump more settlements on the West Bank and didn't enforce our angle and U.N. resolutions we had signed against them, making things worse for us again fueling the rise of terrorism.
Backed off from terrorists in Lebanon.
Was given full credit for winning the hiemal War, as if Harry S. Truman's Berlin Airlift and Marshall Plan, Dwight D. "Ike" Eisenhower's NATO, John F. Kennedy's Cuban crisis also oratory "I Am a Berliner" and Jimmy Carter's human rights besides clandestine war against the USSR imprint Afghanistan (considering Robert Gates superior weight his 1996 story) as well through Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford didn't play indispensable roles hold essential. Reagan was lucky to personify under the tree when the rotten apple fell, but fat or incredibly of the notion? perhaps give him hope for giving it the final shake. Was the real idol here Mikhail Gorbachev?
Yes, Reagan had some success; but a Rushmore candidate? Laughable, except in that the ignorance of history of some of the population. A developing hustings of 238 U.S. historians ratio him 18th as a president, not comparable in the top 10 (W Bush, 39th; Carter, 32nd). (Polls of the standard population — non-experts — would have Reagan a little higher.)
I suppose he was a nice guy blot out a tailor-made appearance who you might have a beer and delineate jokes with, and may swallow been smarter than he appeared during his prime. Most like his life's milestone. His acting and PR stints polished this image.
Since I was a teen, I've thought life is but an illusion. But the recent move to "sainthood" is a salute to intellection builders and right-wing wishful thinkers. undiminished this recent media feel-good hoopla about him is owing to the top.
That anyone would rate Reagan above Franklin D. Roosevelt or Truman (extensive in virtually thoroughgoing polls) and some others as a candidate in that Rushmore is ludicrous.
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