The wait is finally over: Fox has released the trailer for X-Men: First Class, the modern hilarious story summer blockbuster
The film follows the early elderliness of Charles Xavier (Professor X., played by James McAvoy) again Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto, played by Michael Fassbender), before the events of the exclusive X-Men movie trilogy. The two pair up to overpower a ability that is attempting to subdue the world, before an occasion rips the two reclusive and makes them enemies.
The film follows the early elderliness of Charles Xavier (Professor X., played by James McAvoy) again Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto, played by Michael Fassbender), before the events of the exclusive X-Men movie trilogy. The two pair up to overpower a ability that is attempting to subdue the world, before an occasion rips the two reclusive and makes them enemies.
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