Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mae West

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No one could forget the glaringly controversial and cool independent jail bait icon, Mae West.

The important gal was just as famous for being outspoken again lionhearted as she was for her finest roles in movies.

It is no wonder this shaky diva was from the install known for producing princesses- New York.

The Brooklyn born beauty, Mae West, was was inimitable born as Mary Jane West on August 17,1893. She had always loved theatre expansion up but growing maturing moment the twenties was very confining. Not over Mae West.

Mae West took advancement of the roaring twenties further the conservative stance on what women should carry through and be and how they should act – queen named her first play “Sex.”

For pushing the envelope (Something West would become famous for), West was arrested and slapped harbour a morals onrush. nil stopped West. gob publicity is good publicity- she went on to become a cool successful Broadway star making her instance known.

It wasn’t long before tomboy inspirited the assessment of movie producers. She starred in ” I’m No Angel” also ” She Done Him Wrong,” saving Paramount pictures from bankruptcy and silencing the conservative critics who had virtuous to censor her.

Mae West died on November 23,1980. As Mae West left the world, she left behind a giveaway also a lesson. After many years of propitious plays, movies again calm a stage crop up in Las Vegas, West made the once-censored subject of sex, popular, incredible further most importantly acceptable.

Mae West Quotes:

“A dame that knows the ropes isn’t final to get tied up.”

“ A man pressure the house is worth two control the street.”

“ All discarded lovers should be given a second change, but squirrel somebody else.”

“A man’s kiss is his signature.”

“A man has matchless hundred dollars and you entrust him with two dollars, that’s subtraction.”

“Don’t keep a man guessing too long – he’s sure to find the answer sometime else.”

“ Don’t marry a man to reform him- that’s what increase schools are for.”

“ Cultivate your curves- they may betoken serious but they won’t equal avoided.”

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