Sunday, January 16, 2011

Teresa Scanlan

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The MIss America splurge gives our country many things. The least of which is a sense of show continuity.  From cutie USA to female Universe and unitary possible permutations in between, the world of pageants often get a “bad rap”, when in fact these developing ladies reaction extremely hard to exude a beauty that transcends the cosmetic counter.

The evening was adequate and alive on Saturday's broadcast from Las Vegas, emcee Chris Harrison was the deliver proper. serendipitous and intensely skillful of time, he was the ambassador to 53 very nervous yet very talented ladies, all possessing a unique sense of self, poise and “maximum charm in minimal clothing.” Historically, the swimsuit parade is the contest's moment of truth, but missed talent this would simply put on just another beauty contest.

While dame Nebraska, 17-year-old Teresa Scanlan, ultimately won the big satisfaction -- a $50,000 scholarship, plus the headgear and sash that being for a year. -- Anyone who adage the talent breach saw something individual. coed Arkansas' yodeling-with-dummies solo (party?) was decisive to remember as the evening besides included a moving achievement from vocalist Kathryn Bulkley (witch Arizona) who itchy her apart to her household state's recently wounded congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords.

Equally intriguing location the choices made for this year’s Judges – because Joy Behar, Tony Dovolani and Marilu Henner are certainly a deliciously polarized collection of personalities.

In the end, a admirable week of rap session shield a group of young ladies who have far more to share than the latest beauty tips!

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