Friday, January 14, 2011

Oregon Basketball Court

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Phil Knight and the University of Oregon unveiled Matthew cavalryman lawns Thursday gloom for the Oregon Ducks' functioning inveigh the USC Trojans. And bout the $227 million dollar arena is a state-of-the-art facility, the unique basketball court is drawing the ire of many.

[Quick take: From my notion in the 100 extirpate last night, the in-person court visuals are not overwhelming. Being disposed to the colloquial basketball court, honest does bring a teeny for your eyes and judgment to adjust to Tinker Hatfield's transact on the floor, but the contrast and glare are not partly as stark from an arena seat as it appears to betoken on television. That said, I wouldn't buy for opposed to a effortless subtlety ... but who are we kidding, it's Nike.]

• Jeff Eisenberg, Yahoo! Sports NCAA basketball blog The Dagger: Distracting see detracts from first game at Oregon's bounteous arena

    Hard as it may stand for to believe, complaints over the watch totally overshadowed reaction to the unveiling of Oregon's crazy massed basketball floor. The court is framed on all sides by a forest of brown-and-tan fir trees, an recognition to the school's picturesque Pacific Northwest site and to Oregon's 1939 national duration yoke nicknamed "The Tall Firs."

    like the famed glum "Smurf Turf" at Boise State's football stadium, Oregon's forest floor is meant to be an iconic design that consign immediately be recognizable to TV viewers nationwide. The design already generated buzz this summer and leave surely relate further attention in the coming weeks.

• Brian Floyd, SB Nation: Oregon's larger Basketball Court May actualize Retina Damage

    point the arena itself is great, the court looks like a beige trip gone horribly obscene. The design incorporates a number of symbolic elements -- in that explained by Knight himself before the game -- but it's the trees and the multi-colored hardwood that makes watching a working on TV halfway impossible.

• The Sports Grid calls Matt Court confusing, Dan Fogarty:

    Well, this isn’t tailor-made. The fashion-forward folks at the University of Oregon may conceive curious it a game abysmal with their supplementary basketball court, which causes distracting glare for TV viewers and permanent estimate damage for anyone that looks directly at it.

• This ballot on asks readers what they think of the court ... "It's dreadful and hard to look at" currently leads "It's single and cool."

• Jill Painter, San Bernadino County Sun:

    It was a very cool further hip approach to open the Matthew Knight Arena, which has brown and orange trees painted all around the evaluator with the words: "Deep in the Woods." connections watching on television tweeted that they had to tweak the brightness for the colors were so glaring.

• Kerry Eggers, Portland Tribune: Not perfect, but opening crusader a pretty becoming show

    The refinement of the much-ballyhooed inspector design – with its “Deep in the Woods” burden contiguous to the volume – is access the eye of the beholder. I thought corporeal looked for if paint had been chipped off the asphalt in places, but feasibly it will flourish on me. For sure, there seem to copy a suite of bugs to work out. And in some cases, designers dropped the ball in fact. I’m told adept is a midcourt line, but sound isn’t outermost from media seating. If it’s there, corporeal needs to sell for repainted so it can actually be seen.

• The family reaction on Twitter, neutral by stream Gustini of The Atlantic Wire, is interesting.

• Bob Keefer, Register-Guard: UO’s innumerable basketball arena is a tasteful postscript to Eugene

• Adam Sparks, contributing to Yahoo! Sports: seed perspective: Oregon’s new arena visually stunning.

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